Classic Color Dragons
Classic Color Dragons come in the colors of the chakra energy system.
They represent both the lower 3D aspect of the chakra (darker colors) as well as the higher octave of the color (lighter colors) one relates to as one ascends from 3D energy to 5D energy vibrations.
What are Lace Dragons?
Lace Dragons are the newest edition to my Dragon Line-up.
These dragons are hand made by me. They are machine embroidered lace. They have moveable wings, a crystal for an eye, and a ribbon hanger. They are approximately 6" x 6".
These dragons are versitile and can be hung nearly everywhere. (on a hook in a window, on a wall, can be taped on refrigerators, mirrors, etc) String a necklace chain through the loop hole and wear your dragon across your chest/heart.
They are portable! They can be carried where ever you may be going. In a car, to lunch, to work, shopping, doctor offices....the list is endless. They can be tucked inside a pocket or purse, worn on a coat or blouse (just add a safety pin to the back). They can be worn as a necklace as previously mentioned. You can mount them on a piece of backing and put them in a picture frame. They fit inside of a greeting card and can be mailed to someone. They bring healing, good vibrations to anyone you mail them to.
Children can handle them without the fear of breaking them. Therefore, for children, they can make a good companion and they are touchable and holdable for children. Let a child sleep with their dragon pinned over their bed at night, on a pillow next to them, again, the list is endless.
****One Caution However. Each dragon has two small brads that hold the wings to the body which allow the wings to move. SMALL INQUISITIVE CHILDREN May dislodge the brads and it could harm the child--especially if swollowed. HOWEVER... the brads can be removed by an adult and the wings sewn permanently to the body. This would remove the danger to a small inquisitive child. AND, the crystal for the eye of the dragon could easily be pulled off by tiny child fingers, that could prove toublesome if digested as well. ***
Caution Summary? If you have a small child, it would be wise to let them "see" but "not handle" their dragon unless an adult was supervising to prevent the rhinestone and brads from being removed by the child. An Older Child could be taught and trusted to respect and not dismantle the dragon.
How to select your Dragon!







