Air & Water Dragon
A quick word on Air and Water Dragons.
Mostly these are shades of blue. The Lemurian Dragons have a turquoise hue to their color and are both air and water dragons. They protect the sea creatures, and the air creatures. The guard the under water cities of crystal, and the sunken cities of Atlantis and Lemuria and many more…..
These dragons work and move in a wave. They easily can ride any wave and make it dissipate, or intensify in its energy.
Air dragons move air to create a change
Water dragons move water to create a change
These are subtle energies, and neither air nor water are fire breathing dragons. They are kind, generous, gracious, loving, benevolent beings of light.
If you hear the call of a Blue dragon of any color, and they say to you that they are a water or air dragon know that they will be helping you move through difficulty situations with ease and grace. Allow them to go before you to clear the path for you, and so it is.
Click here to see an Air/Water Dragon Lemurian
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