Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
The Blue Dragon has a core essence of Divine Truth which they pass to their human partner in many different ways. They form an allegiance with Archangel Michael and utilize the Sword of Truth in all ways. If you are struggling to let your voice be heard, if you struggle with your truth and marching to the beat of a different drummer, then a Blue Dragon would be excellent for you to partner up with.
Blue Dragons are not fire breathing dragons, but they do exhale a beautiful cobalt blue light that has the ability to transmute and communicate. Blue light from these dragons are used to form a telepathic matrix network that connects galaxies and other omni-verses far beyond the scope of this writing.
In the here and now of human life, a Blue Dragon can breathe their blue light into your energy field and forge a pathway of light that will assist you to move into your next. They are the caretakers of all matrix, blueprints, and ley lines associated with Earth and other planets as well. Blue Dragons train exclusively to the planet they will be servicing, aka Earth, but also with other planets. In this way they are always up-to-date with communicating with other planets.
Being Dragons of communication, they hold a high level of universal truth, awareness, a path of light, integrity and the ability to harmonize relationships of all kinds.
They work with your guardian angel to move you through the tough spots in life by getting you unstuck. They simply breathe their blue breath around your energy and that transmutes and transforms the blocks you are experiencing to open new opportunities for you to explore.
The transformative power of cobalt blue burns away illness from the body and allows the body to return to a healthy wellness. This act of grace comes to you when you are ready to accept it in your energy field. Experiencing this level of healing often opens the pathway of a master soul to step into their birthright and speak their truth.
Wisdom and knowledge are two prized attributes that may strive to achieve. Blue Dragons are the epitome of these attributes and freely surround you with them when they are in your energy. This is recognized by the incarnate soul when they no longer have a desire to partake of the 3D drama that life offers. That they want to just be alone and experience the joy of living, not the trials of living. These people begin to speak their truth, trust in their own wisdom, and become transparent in their communication with others. Relationships take on a new level of awareness when the truth is spoken and not obscured. When transparency is viewed and hidden agendas revealed. This allows relationships to flourish in trust, love, and worthiness.
Blue Dragons are here to heal us of the karma we have accumulated and the karma we perpetuate here in our current life. By embracing the attributes of the Blue Dragons, we can raise our awareness to a higher standard thereby, increase our frequency and vibration and easily ascend to the 5th dimensional frequency that our planet is now ascribing to achieve.
In the chakra system, a Blue Dragon is associated with the Throat Chakra.
When you are ready to heal the places in your life where you have been stuck, a Blue Dragon is here to assist you.
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