Green Dragon
Green Dragons are also referred to as Elemental Earth Dragons. They are concerned with the rhythm and flow of the seasons and also the growth cycle of many plants, fruits & vegetables, and flowers. Everything that we need to survive is found in nature. Earth is our natural healing remedy, and the Green Dragons monitor the balance of Earth energies. They also are the caretakers of the blueprints of life.
Our human blueprint holds the signature of health and well-being. When we are sick, that blueprint is dysfunctional. Green Dragons, balance our energies out with either the plant life remedies of natural medicines, or the allopathic medicines from your physician. Healing balance is achieved by re-positioning the out of place blueprints that hold health.
As your vibration raises, your blueprints require an update. It is the Green Dragon that comes to update the blueprint in the etheric body. Working with your energy matrix, the blueprint is realigned and what was once dysfunctional on a lower level, is removed from the blueprint so it cannot recycle again. When issues of health recycle, it lowers ones frequency and vibration until such a time that a Green Dragon can transmute the dysfunction to functional again.
Green Dragons also work with healers. They have the ability to clear away the drama from many past lives that set limitations on your clairvoyance for this life. When these issues are cleared, the healer has the clear sight that they need to view the body, and clearly understand what needs to be accomplished for the individual to regain health again.
Green Dragons breathe a gentle stream of air in the aura field that moves out negative and toxic energies. They realign the levels of the aura field of light and protect them against toxic environments. They, along with Archangel Ariel, can cocoon your energy field with a cocoon of light that will keep the work that was done on you intact for a specific amount of time.
Selecting a Dragon via the chakra system, Green Dragons are associated with the Heart Chakra.
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