Light Purple /Lilac Dragon
Light Purple / Lilac Dragon
The Light Purple / Lilac Dragon is the Higher Octave of the Third Eye Chakra Center. It holds all the qualities of the Darker Purple Dragon but accelerates the frequency and vibration much higher.
Select this dragon if you have pretty much resolved your “fears of seeing the unknown” and opening yourself up to clairvoyance found within the sixth chakra center. If you are already to open to clairvoyance, now is the time to refine them with the Light Purple/Lilac Dragon.
Light Purple / Lilac Dragons are not quite a true purple for they have a hue of white mixed in them. They are part of the ascended color octave of the chakra system. Each chakra has its base color and the higher octave color associated with it.
Base color chakra dragons work with the same attributes that the base chakra does. Select the darker color if you are just beginning on your spiritual path.
When an individual opens the door to their spiritual self, they transition the core elements of the chakra center and ascend it to the next octave of color.
As an individual “ascends” the chakra centers morph and change their shape from cone to sphere. When your chakras are spheres, it would be wise to select the Light Purple / Lilac Dragon because this dragon will keep you centered on ascension and anchoring in the higher elements of the sixth chakra center.
In healing work, the deeper purple would burn away the fears you have of seeing the unseeable, but it would be the Light Purple / Lilac Dragon that would bring peace, calm. and healing energies to the issue you are working with opening the third eye to clairvoyant sight.
This dragon also opens your “sight” for other planetary systems. The Pleiadeans, Atlantean’s, Lemuria, and other star seeding planets and peoples will begin to open their wisdom and allegiance with you. Here also will Light Language be understood, as well as speaking in tongues. Channeling will be available to you as well as many interactions with Councils of Light, Master Beings of Light, and so much more. It all begins with raising your vibration, clearing out the throat chakra area, opening the third eye, and allowing the energy to pour through the crown chakra.
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