Yellow Dragon
Yellow Dragon
Yellow Dragons are the most gentle, wise, and compassionate of the classic color dragons. They can be found taking care of animals, protecting them, and supporting them on their journey on the Earth plane. Yellow Dragons are typically non-fire breathing dragons. Although all dragons are required to take fire breathing classes before they are allowed to serve the mankind of different universes.
What triggers a yellow dragon to breathe fire is to protect an animal from being abused. Humans who perform such horrible acts onto an animal do not see that animal as a sentient being. They are an animal; but in another universe, they are the master beings of that solar system. Animals come to earth to assist humans to recognize them as beings of light in a different body form. Yellow Dragons come with these animals, for their protection.
That being said, those folks who like talking to animals rather than to humans, are working out of a Yellow Dragon influence. Yellow Dragons have the ability to communicate with animals and pass that attribute on to humans who are open and receptive to work with the animal kingdom.
In the yellow dragon energy wise council is always given. With humans only, understanding is shared for the emotions of the other person can be felt by its opposing force. The saying, “walk a mile in my shoes” describes the Yellow Dragon attributes very clearly.
It is when we can relate to what another person is going through defines us as wise, considerate, and uplifting to others. We cannot ascend unless we “walk in anothers shoes” and experience what they are experiencing. This awareness doesn’t have to be done physically, ask your Yellow Dragon to flash back your memories until you can relate to the situation at hand. We all have been walking in many shoes, and when we understand the reality of that, is when we can understand and have compassion for others.
That is the message of the Yellow Dragon. Are you having difficulties relating to others? Communicating with others? Respecting views in opposition of your own? Acting out your emotions and regretting it later? You my friend, need a Yellow Dragon in your energy field.
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Click here to see a Yellow Dragon