Read 2nd: Dragon 102
Did you know these Dragon facts??
Dragons repel negativity. They don't like it. Their goal is to destroy negativity.
- Negative situations actually surface their ability to breathe fire.
- Dragons virtually destroy negativity and unkind actions with their fire breath.
- As a result, dragons got a bad rap in past history and even in our current entertainment media they are portrayed as evil creatures. BUT, that is incorrect.
Dragons are benevolent beings. They support all the attributes and qualities of unconditional love, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, honor, integrity, etc.
- When a Dragon accepts a human partner, these qualities are enhanced in the human incarnate soul.
- Dragons love and support humanity and all living things.
- They promote “the good” in people.
- Dragons are loving beings.
Whenever a planet reaches ascension status, it triggers The Dragon Realm Universe to allow its Master Dragon graduates to serve the ascending planet and her people.
- Earth has reached ascension status.
- Dragons are here to assist.
Recently, Dragons have made their presence known on planet Earth.
- Dragons love planet Earth and the humanity she supports and offer their support as Earth and people embrace the Ascension Process.
- Dragons honor & have great respect for Lightworkers who assist the planet to ascend.
- In the process of assisting & supporting the planet to ascend, Lightworkers also raise their vibration in a spiritual ascension awareness (5D).
- Dragons willingly volunteered to come to Earth and support all facets of the ascension process.
Also, in another part of The Dragon Realm Universe, a specific Realm of Dragons are created for the emergence of a new root race of humanity.
- On earth, the new root race of man is labeled, Crystal Children.
- Since the time marker of 2000, new incarnating souls to earth wear the label of: new root race of man AND The Crystal Children.
- It goes without saying that these children are different.
- Consequently, their Dragon partners also need to be a little different.
- This ensures the highest level of creativity and an ascending foundational core for the planet as well as the new root race of man as these “crystal children” grow into adult hood.
The Dragons that serve the Crystal Children have accepted the label of “Rainbow Dragons”.
- Rainbow Dragons hold all the qualities, attributes and wisdom of the Master Dragon pure lineage bloodlines, while incorporating a blended blood line between two or more pure blood lines.
- This creates a hybrid dragon fully enmeshed with all the attributes of every color and bloodline they were enabled with.
- These Rainbow Dragons are different. The Crystal Children are different. Together they make a dynamic team for the future of planet Earth.
Dragons serve and therefore assist the incarnate soul to surface all the "good" that is within them and then....enhance it.
It is no wonder why those that are attracted to Dragons have magical lives to live.
You will ALWAYS be attracted to YOUR CORRECT DRAGON.
- If you are an Old Soul and just fell in love with a Rainbow Dragon, then, that is your dragon.
- If a Crystal Child falls in love with a solid color dragon, then that is their dragon.
Dragons carry so many attributes within to share with you. Adopting & partnering with a Dragon is always a win-win situation.
What Dragon is calling to you?