3rd: Choose a Dragon
Choosing a Lace Dragon.
There are 3 ways to select a dragon.
1. First, the dragon will "call" to you. The dragon you are "attracted to" is typically the one you want to select.
2. Second. IF you are working on your spiritual soul path and you are clearing out your chakra centers, you would want to select a dragon by COLOR that is associated with a chakra center. The Dragon would represent the chakra center and thereby be able to assist you to clear that center out. As you center becomes clearer and cleaner, you would want to select the lighter version, The Higher Octave, of the color to assist you to purify the chakra center and prepare it to morph into its ascended state.
3. Third. Choose a Dragon by the characteristics that it represents, its gifts, talents, attributes, etc. C hoosing a dragon this way is a more Lightbody way, or ascended way to select your ascension helper. Remember, Dragons are 12th dimensional beings of Light. They will step down their vibration to accommodate your ability to ascend. Selecting a dragon that is in alignment to the goal of ascension that you hold, is a good way to select your ascension partner of Light.
NOTE: Remember. Dragons operate in your energy field similar to your Guardian Angels. They work hand in hand with your angels, but they hold different energy codes. It is possible to assemble a complete entourage of dragons in your personal aura band of light that would be equal to the entourage of angels you currently have.
Additional Information:
Lace Dragons come in two different forms: Classic Color Dragons having both the solid color base and and its higher octave. AND in Rainbow Colors special for Crystal Children and Lightworkers