Rainbow Dragons
Rainbow Dragons are the youngest dragon lineage to establish their own bloodline.
Rainbow Dragons contain two distinct pure lineage bloodlines. One a solid pure bloodline color and the other The Christed White bloodline.
When these two bloodlines are mated together, the result is an equally colored dragon holding both pure blood lines in equal color division. The bloodline remains pure and the White lineage expands both colors and ascends the colors to their next.
This is the perfect combination for the incoming crystal children on planet Earth. So perfect in fact, that each hybrid “Rainbow” dragon has specific time allotted to learn how to “play” and “grow” as an earth child would. The dragon partner grows with the child. It is a lifetime partnership between the human child and the Rainbow Dragon. In fact, it is said that the incoming Crystal Child and their Rainbow Dragon were together on the other side of the veil, learning and growing together the attributes they will need to fulfil their destiny on the planet earth. As the dragons begin to emerge through the portal, they call their crystal child partner to them.==and thus the partnership begins in the physical/etheric form.
A crystal child has much to learn and to remember from the previous root race of man that they are now replacing. Plus, they need to improve the life source on the planet, and be creative in their discoveries of sustainability for longevity of the planet and her people. Then, they will transition the “norm” of many societies across the globe, and eventually combine those diverse societies into “one” unified society. Most current light workers will not see this occur in their lifetime, not unless they decide to reincarnate as a crystal child in the third or fourth wave of incarnation.
Rainbow Dragons have been specifically trained to partner with a crystal child and bring to that child the higher octave of the attributes, gifts, talents, and end goal that the incarnating child agreed to undertake in their life. Rainbow Dragons exemplify these attributes and contribute a higher 12D aspect to the mix. The Crystal Children need to step down their higher frequency, BUT they are not meant to forget it as Old Souls were required to do. The Rainbow Dragon that will work with the crystal child will be the memory of what once was (on the other side of the veil) and reflect that back to the incoming crystal child. In this way, the Rainbow Dragon elevates the memory, gifts, and knowledge of the Crystal Child forming a very formative team.
The hive mentality of the crystal child soul group, is also represented in the Rainbow Dragons. They all contribute to the “hive mentality” and therefore, ALL information is easily accessible and transmissionable to everyone at the same time. This “oneness” of mental telepathy will become a cornerstone in the Crystal Children and supported by the Rainbow Dragons.
For the longest time, it was unknown how these new dragons would “serve” the realm and “serve” the many universes the realm accommodates. Once planet earth began her ascension and the crystal children lined up to be born as the new root race of man for the planet, the mystery in the dragon realm was solved. Rainbow Dragons were bred for the Crystal Children of 2000+ on Planet Earth.







