Dark Brown Rainbow

SarahAnn Star Light Connection

Dark Brown Rainbow Dragon

  1. Relationship Rainbow Dragon
    1. This dragon is multi shades of dark brown and off white.
    2. The essence that this dragon brings is stabilization and consideration.
    3. Good “relationships” of any kind are based on effective communication. Without good communication “relationships” can get messy.
      1. This Dragon clears up mis-communications, mis-understandings, and smooths out hurt feelings due to communication issues.
      2. When this dragon works its magic in the relationships of one’s life, a more stable, satisfying interaction can be achieved. Doors can open and life is good.
    4. Building strong communicative foundations young in life, prepares one to be successful in all stages of life.  This dragon is a valuable asset to have and one that really can open awareness doors for you.

Click Here if you want to see a dark brown rainbow dragon


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