Light Silver Power Rainbow
Light Silver/Gray/White Rainbow Power Dragon
- Silver Rainbow Dragon
- This is a unique dragon. The silver in this dragon represented by a light gray, is combined with white which makes this dragon a lt gray/silver/white dragon.
- Silver Dragons reflect the moonlight. The White reflects the God Consciousness.
- So we have a dragon that reflects moon and the Light of God all in one dragon. That makes this dragon another Power Dragon for the Rainbow Dragon Lineage.
- A child would use this dragon (crystal child) as a dragon who would reflect back to them their moods, attitudes, awareness, like a very strong mirror. In this the child/person would see exactly how they are presenting themselves into the world, and the reflection of how that representation is being accepted by others.
- The dragon would also have the ability to blurr the arreas that the child could not understand and show with clarity (white part of lineage) where the child needs to grow in their understanding, and even change their living circumstances.
- By having this very neutral view of projection and reflection to work with, the child can partner with their dragon to be empowered in this life as well as to face all challenges with a calm determination of success.
- There is no other than success when one sees the entirer picture or circumstance. The objective is to stay in neutral while expressing the appropriate behavior/emotion that the silver/gray (moon) reflects onto the soul consciousness (white) of the I AM Presence.
- Of course, this dragon also reminds its partner that there always 2 sides to each picture, and the Christ, I AM consciousness, always is at the center of every side of the picture. In every example, and in every challenge.
- The perfect lineage blend of gray/silver and white, illustrates the power of this dragon to rise above any circumstance in life and illuminate it with the highest level of Christ White Light for the human partner of this dragon to simply absorb.
- People hearing this dragons call will take life at a slower pace. Be more accepting in life than aggressive. They will have the strength of their convictions, yet, be willing to compromise for the good of all. This will not defeat them, but in compromise only make them stronger.
CLICK HERE if you would like to see this silver/white Power Dragon