Newborn Baby Rainbow Dragon
Newborn Baby Rainbow Dragon.
These precious Rainbow Dragons are specifically energetically aligned to work with a baby waiting to be born, a newborn baby, young children, and some very fragile and wounded older Crystal Children.
These Dragons hold the energetic patterning for the baby/child from their home planet, star system, or heavenly home that the child needs to remember. The Dragons become their constant playmate and spiritual advisor as they grow. This dragon has the ability to grow with the child, have the empathy for the child as he/or she grows, and relays that empathy to the child in terms that the child understands. The wisdom that the dragon imparts to the growing child is remarkable. These are very wise dragons.
Each Dragon has access to the complete soul lineage of the child they are partnering with. They assess that wisdom and knowledge gained and bring it to the child in small packets of information as the child is prepared to receive. This, along with a tremendous ability to be telepathic with the dragon, allows the child to grow into a very empowered being of light.
Growing up as an empowered child allows this little baby / young crystal child, the ability, courage, confidence, and determination to make the difference in a world that is transitioning into a higher state of evolution. This will be very valuable in days to come.
This dragon works well when hung from a mobile over a crib, placed on a dresser next to a childs bed, taped to the wall over a crib or bed, displayed where the child can see it readily. As the child grows and is more coordinated, handling the dragon will intensify the connection that the child and dragon will develop. And as the child ages, their birth dragon will stay in their energy field until the tour of life is over for the child. Then the dragon will accompany the child to its next.
These dragons work with a host of angelic representatives that work with the child as well. Together the entourage surrounding the child is vast and very effective.
This is a great gift and can be displayed in a variety of different ways.
To recap:
- These dragons hold the pastel colors of: Blue,Pink,Yellow,White.
- Blue symbolizes the ebb and flow of water and air. These elements make up the flow of life. The life flow of a baby is pure, soft, and very strong. The blue in this dragon supports those attributes.
- Pink in this dragon is hard to see, for it is very small in comparison to the other colors. Pink represents the love of the Father/Mother/God within the child. It is always a tiny color that grows stronger as the child grows in wisdom. There is a tremendous amount of Love in this dragon for this child.
- Yellow in this dragon symbolizes wisdom. It is also a pale yellow which needs to be soft so the child can learn their own version of their wisdom, then as they get older, compare their original wisdom to the wisdom that they have learned while growing. This combination sets the stage for great wisdom and compassion for all living things in this world.
- White, the last color in this dragon symbolizes the Highest Christ White Light of the I AM Consciousness. Here is the symbolism of God in manifestation. White Dragons are the purest form of the essence of God, The Creator, the I AM that I AM, and it binds the other colors to the white for a purity lineage that is pristine.
- They work with newborn babies, and young children, crystal children, and fragile children. Fragile children are those who have been “broken” in some way while attempting to integrate into a lower dimensional awareness than that which they came from. This dragon also works well with children who are victims of medical neglect or medical reactions to procedures that did not go as planned. These are also fragile children.
- This Dragon grows with the child to become their personal rainbow dragon playmate, and so much more!
- The Newborn Baby Dragon will bridge the gap between “home” and “Earth”, comforting the soul if they are “missing being home” while in “this strange new place”.
- Babies are often observed smiling and laughing at the funny antics that this rainbow dragon is doing to keep the new soul amused and happy as they are incarnate in the physical body. Hang the dragon on a baby mobile over the crib and watch as the child and dragon interact with each other.
- The Dragon will help the soul to understand that “they are never alone”
- Newborn Baby Rainbow Dragons hold all the happy memories of being at home “in spirit” and comfort the soul with songs, stories, and loving friendship from “home” and from “Earth”.
- For many Crystal Children who are experiencing their first incarnation on Earth, it can be quite daunting as well as exciting. Newborn Rainbow Dragons have file folders of information to share with the newborn & young child from their native planet origins for use here on the Earth plane. The dragons reinforce the memories and information in the folders so the young soul will not forget their reason for coming into this incarnation experience and their purpose to walk on their elected soul path with confidence and worthiness.
Click here To seea Newborn Baby Rainbow Dragon