Peach Rainbow Dragon
Peach Rainbow Dragon
- Peaceful Peach Rainbow Dragon
- The colors of this dragon are shades of light peach.
- This dragon represents the collective ascended chakra centers.
- As an Old Soul ascends, the cone chakras morph into spheres of light.
- A crystal child is born with spheres of light for their chakra centers.
- This Dragon holds the chakra spheres of light in the highest frequency on the earth plane. In this language we call the color vibration peach. But it is truly an iridescent color that is beyond the color spectrum of our comprehension at this point in time.
- When all the chakra centers vibrate at their optimum level, collectively they emit a beautiful vibration, peach is what we are going to call this color.
- It is the gift of this dragon to each chakra center in balanced light for the highest good of the soul.
- A balanced Chakra system is the stepping stone to ones next spiritual awareness.