Gold Dragons
Gold Dragons represent the Christ Light. These dragons hold an endless amount of Christ Light in their dragon souls. They are designed to share this light with the humanity on the planet they are currently serving. Planets that begin the ascension process typically are nurtured by the Christ Light Gold Dragons. This encourages the planet to keep on the ascension track.
As the planet continues to ascend, the people of the planet begin to feel the shift of energy in their energy fields. This planet is a 3rd Dimensional planet. The lowest frequency that the Gold Dragons can enter is a 9th dimensional level. That means that for the longest time, Gold Dragons were not able to be free to move and interact with humanity. Since the planet is well on its way to a 5th dimensional position, and lightworkers are ascending their energies to higher and higher levels, and with the incarnation of crystal children, it is finally possible for the Gold Dragons to make their presence known.
Some Lightworkers have incarnated onto the planet with a base line of 6th dimensional awareness. They relinquished that standing to interact with ease and grace at a 3rd dimensional awareness. Yes, it was a step back for them, but they needed to be on the planet, when and if the planet was to ascend. She has begun the ascension process. This allowed those Lightworkers to move quickly into their established levels of awareness, most held a 6th dimensional awareness. As the planet continues to raise her frequency, that allowed for the crystal children to incarnate, most come in with a 9th level awareness, stepped down to a 5 or 7th dimensional base. Lightworkers quickly saw the differences in dimensional awareness and ascended their awareness as fast as they could. Most are holding a higher 7th or 9th or above level of awareness. This combination allowed the Gold Dragons to enter into the Earth’s energy field.
There is a sort of re-birth that happens when these Gold Dragons pour more of the Christ Love into you at the highest possible vibration you can absorb. When you feel happy for no reason, trust…..the Gold Dragons capitalized on the moment and poured more Golden Christ Light into your energy field.
Golden Christ Light is absorbed at the cellular level. This is clearing you out from the inside out! This also aids in building your crystalline body of light from the magnetic body of light you incarnated with.
The golden Christ Light also sinks into the DNA of your human composition. It has the opportunity to activate all 12 strands of DNA and fully connect them. There is no more “junk DNA” that science has identified as just floating around. That junk DNA found its connection and no longer is shattered. The golden Light connects all shattered DNA pieces to their rightful places in the DNA. This allows the chakra centers to become spiritual centers of information, knowledge, energy, wisdom, healing, and so much more. Crystals interact easily with this level of dimensional awareness.
Gold Dragons carry all the keys of awareness. The matrix codes are also in their safe keeping. As awareness is beginning to accelerate and the vibration of humans are increasing, our psychic and spiritual gifts of telepathy, telekinesis, manifestation, clairvoyance, clairaudience, self-healing, regeneration and many other gifts and abilities will begin to come back on-line for us. The veil of amnesia will soon be lifted and one can truly recognize self and merge into it.
The Gold Dragons remember you. They know exactly who you are during other life times and on other planets and galaxies. They know what you did, the quality of your light and your soul mission. They can breathe these memories into your third eye in a burst of golden fire to awaken you. They can dissolve anything that no longer serves you and that you are ready to release.
When a Gold Dragon calls to you, you can rest assured that you are a very ancient soul. The dragon that calls to you has been with you every step of the way, and now, now that the time is right on the planet, has returned to Earth energy to be with you again.
If you hear the call of a Gold Dragon, much will be expected of you, but you have much to give.
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