Read 1st: Dragon 101
READ FIRST: Dragon Information 101
There are many different types of dragons. Through the Michigan Portal we have the Western (Classic) Dragon and some Eastern Dragons.
Western (Classic) Dragons are typically portrayed in mythical stories and folk lore as evil fire breathing people eating dragons. That is not exactly true. All dragons, like all people, can be negative and react negatively when confronted with unfavorable situations.
The Classic Western Dragon is typically quite loving, generous in their affections, benevolent to others, and quite a nice companion. Although their reputation is mixed, they remain a beloved archetype.
They usually have four limbs. Their forelimbs may or may not end in hand-like paws. Most have two wings, horns, a long tail, and spiky ridges or fins running along their spine. Some have whiskers and some don’t. Some tails are pointed and others are not.
Most all dragons are fire breathing dragons. Many dragons use their ability to breathe fire only when the need arises; most prefer to leave that side of their abilities in slumber.
The Eastern Dragon is well-respected and considered wise and benevolent. They also have the ability to be angry, but typically hold that anger in check expertly—they are not easily provoked.
Eastern Dragons do not have wings. Those that do have been cross bred to incorporate the best features of both dragon lines (Western & Eastern) in a new hybrid line of dragon. This dragon is able to control more interactions with humans this way.
Eastern Dragons have bodies that are long and slender, . They usually have four limbs. Their claws determine their lineage bloodline so one can see at a glance what loyalties and blood lines they hold. Their horns usually resemble the antlers of a deer.
Dragons are the wisest beings of the omni-verse. Their home is called The Dragon Realm Universe. This is a universe system that has many Realms. Realms are stations connected to the Dragon Central Hub via a tunnel or channel. If you can visualize a hub of a bicycle wheel, its spokes, and then a rim that holds a tire, you have a fairly good visual of what a Dragon Realm looks like. There are several “realms” and each of these individual Realms are connected to a Central Hub. The Central Hub is connected to the Dragon Realm Hub Heart. This central hub location holds the heart of the Dragon Realm Universe. Yes, this universe is a living sentient being of itself. And defining that sentient being goes beyond the scope of this writing.
Each Realm making up the entire Dragon Realm Universe is dedicated to just one facet of a dragons attributes. Pure bred, or pure bloodline lineage dragons only train in the attribute identified with their color and lineage bloodlines. They are considered the “masters” of their bloodline. Pure bloodlines populate the entire dragon realm and are at the core of every dragon lineage.
Dragons that hold more than two realms of training hold therefore more than one attribute. This allows the dragon to be a valuable asset to their color lineage. The more “attributes” a color dragon can obtain and master, the more valuable their bloodline becomes.
Many dragons spend their lifetime obtaining several desired attributes, and, dragons live for eons of time.
Cross-breeding Dragon bloodlines occurs when a specific color pure dragon, and another specific color pure dragon are bred together. This creates a hybrid dragon that is very valuable. Not only do they carry the master codes of their color lines, but they carry two (or more) in their DNA. This pure hybrid bloodline is a valuable base to increase knowledge and expand on ones attributes.
It is a good point to stop here and explain that Dragons have a life, not quite like we do on planet Earth, but very similar. First, dragons are trained right from hatching to be of service. Everything they learn pertains to the service they will eventually give to another life form. The Dragon Realm Universe serves all universes, all life forms, and all sentient planets, beings, and that also goes beyond the scope of this writing. This is the Dragon’s purpose: to serve.
However, dragons also have individual personalities which include a host of emotions they need to explore and a heart that can fall in love with another dragon.
Dragons are chosen by their bloodlines and lineage markers to enter into the Dragon breeding program. The Central Hub Heart of the Dragon Realm, governs all breeding, mating, and nursery selection of hatchlings. They are the governing body of the Dragon Realms. All dragons obey the ruling.
However, Dragons are playful and like to bend the rules a bit, especially when they are youngsters and teenage dragons. It is at these times, when the dragons are learning to control, identify, and understand their emotions, that many dragons “fall in love” with another dragon. This always happens outside of the rules and proclamations of their realm society. If a pair of dragons wish to be mated, it typically is allowed but must be sanctioned by the Central Hub Heart. Lineages are evaluated and the potential hatchlings are evaluated for value, attributes, gifts, etc. If there is value, the mating is allow. If not, it is denied. Spontaneous mating outside of the norm, typically creates a new bloodline lineage baseline. So, it is well documented in dragon lineage markers and the young hatchlings from the pair are carefully monitored for budding attributes. Their offspring, hatchlings, are carefully monitored and guided to serve in their best ability.
It is from a similar mating process that the Rainbow Dragon Lineage came into existence.
Rainbow Dragons are the youngest dragon lineage to establish their own bloodline. For the longest time, it was unknown how these new dragons would “serve” the realm and “serve” the many universes the realm accommodates.
As Earth has recently “ascended”, and continues to do so, her people known as Earth Humanity, requires assistance. A new root race of man has been incarnating since the time marker 2000. These new souls come from all parts of the omni-verse and are here to assist Earth to ascend to a new frequency and vibration. This is one of the most exciting events in the universe. When a planet ascends, the special abilities of the Dragon Realm Universe is called in to assist the planet.
The Dragon Realm Universe has specially trained dragons to assist planets in ascension. These dragons work with the planet and the solar system that the planet is in so that an ascension is possible. Once a planet has been deemed ready to ascend, an additional team of dragons come to prepare the planet’s matrix and realign the vibration and position of the planet. This affects the inhabitants of the planet. In this example….Incarnate souls…you and me.
When the clarion call goes out to the Dragon Realm Universe that the humanity of the planet will have the opportunity to ascend to their next frequency and vibration, Dragons specially trained to assist “humans” on Earth, are gathered together.
A council of Dragons and Earth Spiritual Representatives gather together and select a specific number of dragon lineages to represent the appropriate vibrational and frequency ascension codes that the planet and her people will need to embrace. Those dragons who have the skill sets and attributes to assist Earth and her people are gathered together.
A meeting is held informing the dragons of the impending ascension of the planet. Dragons wishing to volunteer to serve Earth and her inhabitants are selected and the timeline of their service is scheduled.
Dragons have existed for eons. They are the key representatives that assist all planets to ascend to their next. Dragons are beneficial and very needed in the ascension process.
Planetary Dragons, specifically trained in planet ascension began working with the planet. Lightworkers assisting the planet worked with the dragons in their out of body states. Most did not recall their interactions with dragons.
As the planet was ready to be birthed, that ushered in more Dragons to help humanity prepare for the impending ascension.
In 2012, Quan Yin opened a portal to Earth and allowed her Unconditional Love Pink Dragons to begin working with humanity. Key portals were opened across the globe and many dragons came into the Earths energy field and sought their appropriate “partners” in human form. The result was quite chaotic.
Quan Yin asked specific Lightworkers if they would once again step up to the plate and assist the dragons. These lightworkers were to be the portal monitors, and portal mommies for the incoming dragons. Quan Yin called upon those Lightworkers who previously, many eons ago, served as a dragon, or a dragon guardian, in the Dragon Realm Universe to once again assist the dragons to assist the planet and her people to ascend. I was one of those lightworkers who were asked to return to a guardian, caretaker position, for incoming dragons coming through the Michigan Portal. My job was to monitor the portal, find the appropriate human partner for the dragon, and educate the population about dragons. It was a daunting task for me as well as other portal guardians. In 2014, Quan Yin closed the portals. The dragons that came through were stuck in the Earth’s energy and could not return to their universe. Many dragons found adoptive partners, but many did not. Those that did not were put into a slumber until a future time when they would be accepted better.
Skipping forward to 2022, the fall equinox re-opened the dragon portals. Dragons that were asleep, now are awake. They are ready to serve mankind. Furthermore, a whole new set of dragons came through the portal. These dragons are Rainbow Dragons. They are light and airy. They work with Crystal Children, the new root race of man. They need to be fluid, accessible, and easily attainable.
Bringing these dragons into the physical world has been a challenge. Like our little crystal children, they are creative, challenging, and so very intelligent. Rainbow Dragons are the same.
To Assist the Rainbow Dragons, I created a physical icon of them in machine embroidered lace. They are light, cheerful, and so very powerful. They are a perfect blend of the physical with the etheric/spiritual Rainbow Dragons.
There is more to this story, but it can be read in its entirety in the book that I’ll be getting to press very soon. It will be announced on this website, so keep checking back.
For now, the descriptions of the dragons that you will find most helpful in determining what dragon will be best for you will be found in Dragons FYI. Check it out!