Fall Newsletter 2020
Hello Everyone
I certainly hope that you will take the time to open this Newsletter. So many of you just “delete” without looking, and this one has some important information for you know.
Table of Contents:
Section #1. Two things you need to know.
a. Tuesday Night Meditation
b. October Class Schedule for on-line classes
Section #2. Ohio & Michigan Psychic Fairs
Section #3. For Lightworkers…..words of encouragement!
Section #4. The two different timelines we are now living within.
Section #5. Closing Statements & Contact Information
SECTION #1 – Notes on Tuesday Night Meditation
First, it has been a challenging year so far for all of us! Most of us just want things to go back to normal or pre-Covid, but I don’t think we are quite done with uncertainty in our lives. However, here is a thing or two that you can be certain of.
1. I have continued to hold meditation on Tuesday Nights, 7pm and I must say, they get better each week! I now channel effortlessly Celeste I & Celeste II from the Ascension Realm Guardian Group Consciousness. Celeste I is a group consciousness of ascension souls dedicated to sharing information on how we can continue to stabilize and raise our frequency during the transition times we are now facing and will be facing again as the dense group consciousness continues to transition into light.
Celeste II is a group of souls dedicated to healing. OMG! The healings that they share help the physical body to shift into light easily. They are powerful guided healing meditations that are so very important for everyone to experience.
I feel so blessed to chosen by this group of ascension guardians and to “stream” their healing meditations and insights on a weekly basis. I have placed many of their meditation recordings on my website. Look under “recordings”.
If you would like to experience the weekly on-line meditations, just let me know and I’ll send you an invoice for $27.00 to you so you can join on a Tuesday Night at 7pm. Replays are always available if you cannot make the 7pm time.
Here is a recording that Celeste I & II wanted me to share with humanity. Its Free. Here is the link:
SECTION #1 Notes on Classes
2. I am teaching this October/November on line. Below is my schedule.
You can either pay via going thru the SASACE Adult Education office at, (586) 285-8880 or their website at: www.scscommunityed.org
OR you can pay me directly---I’ll send you a square invoice.
The classes that I am teaching are popular here in Michigan. I hope that you will try some of them out! If on-line works well, I plan to expand my on-line teaching in January.
Below is the class schedule.
MESSAGES FROM LOVED ONES Instructor: S. Schweitzer
Messages from the other side of the veil can be received from your deceased loved ones, your personal guides & teachers or from angelic beings of light & love. Each attendee receives a message. What will your message be?
Class#: 1003A Date: Mon 10/5 Time: 10:00am-11:30am Price: $25
Class#: 1003B Date: Mon 10/5 Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm Price: $25
THE SOUL PATH Instructor: S. Schweitzer
The soul path consists of a set on contracts, agreements and pattern positioning’s that you have agreed to experience while in a physical body and holds your mission, purpose, soul growth, frequency level, initiations and all of your free will choices. This class helps you identify where free will decisions were made that took you off your soul path and strategies to help you to return to your path. This is a lecture/informational based class.
Class #: 1004A Date: Mon 10/12 Time: 10:00am-11:30am Price: $25
Class #: 1004B Date: Mon 10/12 Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm Price: $25
YOUR SACRED TRUTH Instructor: S. Schweitzer
Knowing your sacred truth is vital in these days of uncertainty. When decisions in life are based on the core of one’s sacred truth, they always are correct decisions. How to find that truth will be discussed in this class. A short meditation accompanies this class.
Class#: 1005A Date: Mon 10/19 Time: 10:00 am-11:30am Price $25
Class#: 1005B Date: Mon 10/19 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30pm Price $25
HEART MEDITATION Instructor: S. Schweitzer
Learning heart meditation opens the door to your inner sacred heart, personal truth, latent gifts & abilities and the opportunity to know your purpose mission and lessons in this life that you agreed to prior to taking this body.
Class #: 1006A Date: Tues: 10/20 Time: 10:00am-11:30am Price: $25
Class #: 1006B Date: Tues 10/20 Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm Price: $25
YOUR GUARDIAN ANGELS Instructor: S. Schweitzer
Everyone has a team of personal guardian angels to assist them in this life. Each angel is assigned a specific duty to assist you. In today’s uncertain climate of change, communication with your angels is vital! This information-based class provides an overview to introduce you to your team of Guardian Angels. Optional course packet available from instructor for additional cost.
Class #: 1007A Date: Wed 10/28 Time: 10:00am-11:30am Price: $25
Class #: 1007B Date: Wed 10/28 Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm Price: $25
LET’S TALK Instructor: S. Schweitzer
Are you searching for answers to your spiritual questions and concerns and do not know where to look? This class will answer your spiritual questions honestly and truthfully. In these times of uncertainty, the answers you seek could be the difference between panic, anxiety, fear and your peace of mind. Put an end to your wondering, questions and search.
Class #: 1008A Date: Thurs 11/5 Time: 10:00am-11:30am Price: $25
Class #: 1008B Date: Thurs 11/5 Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm Price: $25
SECTION #3 - Ohio & Michigan Psychic Fairs
3. Psychic fairs have been cancelled for the “safety” of all concerned. Victory of Light in Ohio is cancelled until Nov 2021 or longer—life is uncertain---perhaps that is the true “new normal” eh? Uncertainty!
ON THE HOME FRONT In Michigan----I am still taking private sessions, on-line sessions, and phone sessions to meet my clients needs. I am still doing the work God has called me to do. So, feel free to call or email and schedule an appointment. I am here to help you. Check out my website—lots of sessions are listed there. Need something not listed on the website? No problem…..the channel will step in to resolve your need---they always do.