Updates to the Website Sept 7, 2018
Under Events:
Michigan Fairs, updated
Michigan Classes, updatedMeditation, updated
Ohio Fairs, updated
Facebook link updated: https://www.facebook.com/lightbody.ascension
New Healing Sessions, not listed in "store" yet, but are available now.NEW Healing Sessions for 2018 include: (these are super new and some may not be listed on the website as of yet but will be available at the Fair this November! ).
Lightbody Ascension Grounding Cord to Crystalline Grid. If you have been grounded to the magnetic grid--its about ready to go off line. You need to have your cord re-grounded in the crystalline grid. $40.00
DNA Blueprint Awakening. This is a new DNA Session specially formulated to reprogram the DNA to ascension. Please come prepared with instructions to give your DNA to enhance your awakening process. You create what you want your DNA to reconstruct for you--write it down! I "laser" your desires to the blueprint template.
Cellular Reprogramming and/or Keeper Re-Alignment to Crystal. This is a New session. This session is determined by your level of Lightbody already attained. This co-creation session works with Your body and Your ability to co-create Your desired result and interface those desires to your cellular being.
Grid Merge from 3D magnetic grid to 5D crystalline grid. This is a New Session. This session is for individuals from 30yrs and up. It disengages you from the magnetic grid BEFORE it goes offline. This helps you integrate easier and you should not feel any side effects when the grid is taken down for good. This session MUST be done quickly because the magnetic grid is going down soon--time is running out. IF you don't have this session, you will feel the effects of virtually having the rug pulled from beneath your life as the foundational grid you have grown to know as you know your own skin, is removed from this dimension and parallel.
Karma Matrix Dump/Removal. This is a new session. Your Karma is a product of Old Soul programming! Its time to dump it fast before the magnetic grid goes off line. Whatever is not dumped before the grid is removed from this dimension, imprints upon the new crystalline grid and you get to re-do it all over again! This is a multi-consciousness session meaning, that when you release the Karma that belongs to you, you not only do it in your life today, but in all of your multi-dimensional lives and transpose the negative charge it may carry and convert it to light. When granted at all levels, you should no longer feel an emotional response/consequence to what has blocked you in your past. This session is only available until the magnetic grid is taken off-line.
Star Family Akashic Alignment. This is a new session. This session re-aligns you with your star family and opens a line of communication for you to begin using in your daily life. For those wishing a firmer connection, or a beginning connection....this is your session.
Bridge Healing. For Old Souls only. This is a New Session. This is a multi-dimensional blueprint/matrix weave the builds a firm crystal foundational bridge to your new ascended lightbody. This changes your magnetic foundational core to crystal giving you the ability to relate to the new root race of man (crystal children) much easier than ever before. You will have the potential to connect to the crystal "hive" telepathic mind, reverse aging in the body, renew cellular growth, extend telomeres, and stay healthy longer. This session eventually will be "the healing session of choice" just as my "integrated healing session" is now. The Bridge Healing sessions will continue to morph into what all souls (not only just Old Souls) require to stay fresh in the crystal energy of ascension. This is the first phase of this new healing modality and it is my deepest honor and privilege that "spirit" has allowed me to begin sharing it with mankind as a healing session.
Surgical Interventions (as required). Not a new session. This is a "surgical healing session" and I put it here only for those individuals who cannot find any help with a physical condition or are facing physical surgery soon. This is not a session to be taken lightly.
Walk-In, Soul Rotation, or RSB (reincarnation ion same body). With more and more Old Souls leaving the planet and leaving their body for a walk-in to utilize, or taking advantage of a in-body reincarnation or soul rotation, many individuals are displaced within their own lives! This is because the exit blueprint, and the incoming blueprint are not in alignment. the matrix is confused and cannot connect to what it considers home. This Integration or Blueprint Merge session resolves those issues.