June 2021 Newsletter #3
I forgot to copy the mailchimp link before I signed off, this is the manuscript version of the newsletter!
Hello everyone!
Are you sensitive to energy? Can you feel the subtle changes in the air? They are there. Turn off your televisions, radios, put down your phones, quit playing games on the computer, and just go outside and be still. Do you feel the subtle shifts? No? Dig in the dirt, plant a flower, pull weeds, just connect with mother earth. Clear your mind. Focus on doing a “no brainer activity”, be still and be alone….are you outside? …. Okay…...now feel….. open your heart and feel…..
Yes, there is a very quiet, subtle “hum” that wasn’t there before. Can you hear it? Feel it? Sense it? Recognize it? It’s there……
We all know that Earth ascended in 2000, Birthed herself into 5D in 2012, and now? in 2021 she is transitioning into her first outbreath …..
We are currently experiencing living in her “in-breath” and will experience her “out-breath” sometime in August, or Early September. Although she will exhale, not everyone will feel this at the same time. Why?
Well, remember, first off, many humans are still sleeping in their awareness and play in the darkness of their souls…..
Then new awakened souls are awestruck to begin with and haven’t a clue what is going on, other than knowing that something is…..
And many of the old soul lightworkers and aware lightworkers who will work as transition team members very soon and are preparing for the exhale that is coming the best they can.
I’ve been talking about this for a while, like most things I talk about, I am way ahead of the game, I guess that comes with being an aquarian visionary, but never-the-less, change is upon everyone.
Question is, what will change, when, and how? And then, how will the coming changes affect me personally? And for everyone reading this, that is the important question. When your life gets uprooted, and your normal routines transition to yet again…another new normal…..what will you think, feel, and do, and how will you respond?
Although everyone will respond differently, because the energy will affect each of us differently, we all will experience the same 3 decisions to make.
- Fight the change,
- Try to stay neutral and pretend it really won’t make a difference in your life (or whatever else your “self-talk” will convince you to think.)
and 3. Surrender to the change.
Any one of the above 3 decisions could be the easy way for you. But “easy” isn’t always the best way to go—it also has challenges.
How ever you decide, know that there is a transition happening. In “old” language, I’d call this a parallel merger. Where we would experience an opportunity to merge with a “lower aspect” or a “higher aspect” of self, lifestyle, etc. or perhaps to return to our designed “soul path” in the event that our free will decisions have taken us off of the desire path. That would be a 3D language that I feel is not quite right in today’s energy.
Lightworkers who have ascended planets previously, and have come here to Earth for the purpose of assisting her to ascend to her next, sense this impending exhale. This opens the door to awareness on many levels. One being that everything will no longer be quite the same but altered to merge with the “ascension codes” of the new energy frequency of 5D ascension. As humanity, we have passed the marker and Earth Ascended. As individuals, we have been slow to catch up energetically and have now reached a point where energy fence sitting is no longer acceptable. And dear ones, remember---this is what we have been waiting for!
Yes, I feel this. And on heels of this impending exhale transition will be yet another “shift” sometime mid-fall. This will be the frequency and dimensional shifts required to stabilize the planet after the exhale merger has taken place.
So, your choices are obvious. Prepare for this or not. Not that big of a decision when you think about it, but it is the first decision you will need to make. Then the next decision is, as stated above, how will you respond to the shift?
In the past couple of months, I’ve been talking about this and alerting everyone that I know about these two upcoming shifts. Sometimes I feel like I’m the person in the wind storm shouting out to the people “there’s a tidal wave coming! Run!” and no one pays any attention to my warning. But that’s not my concern. Spirit gives me insight, I pass it on.
That is also what has prompted this newsletter at this moment in time. I have so much to do in my life, but spirit said, we are going to dictate the newsletter, stop and type. And here I am—typing at 2am..
Many folks ask me what I’m doing to prepare for these shifts. And it is simple yet can be difficult in so many ways. This is what I am doing.
- Connecting to my heart every chance I can.
- Communicating with spirit 24/7
- When I’m “stuck” I do “no brainer things” like digging in the dirt.
- Cleaning up my life.
- Resolving the Karma I came here to resolve—now!
- I do vow breaks & karma matrix removals on me a lot
- I can do them for you too…..just ask. They are powerful tools to use.
- Clearing imprints, programs, conditioning that limit me
- I am resolving emotion by being neutral with responses
- Living in the NOW moment – no past – no future – just NOW
- Resolving the Karma I came here to resolve—now!
And for all of you who have been seeking me out, I have been providing healing sessions that help you do the above as well.
As I have said before, transparency is going to be the new way of living. And that begins with self. What self-talk does your mind tell you about you? Is it accurate? Feel like your truth? Yes? Well, you have nothing to worry about, you should transition fairly well. Oh? The self-talk is not always correct? Okay, then you have some work to do to live authentically. If you need help clearing out the old energy fields and wiping your 3D slate clean….I can help you do that. Its called my famous “Integrated Healing”. Works great in person, or remotely.
A lot of folks are experiencing “self-sabotage” in their life. Be careful that it doesn’t sneak up on you. It’s a 3D conditioning program to limit your empowerment in life. See it as such. Rise above it. Leave it in the dust by the curb!
And yes, I am sounding an alarm again, yes, I know. In your life everything is relatively okay, and you are just fine—I hear you. And you probably are adapting to the many adjustments these past 18 months have conditioned you to respond to. It’s a conditioned energy format; but know that the energy is changing-- and change will come quickly. The clearer your energy is, the quicker you will see and embrace the new energy formats.
There is a clarion call coming very soon. This clarion call from spirit will take each of us into a “pre-life-review”. We will be assessed. What will be assessed? I dunno, but I do know that when I’m assessed, I do not want any old imprints, programs, limitations, karma, emotional baggage, etc. etc. etc. hanging on me. Why? Because what we have not dealt with in our life, transitions with us to the new 5D ascension energy that emerges with “the exhale”/energy shift/parallel merger. Got it? Even if you quickly process something after your assessment, you still have to process it again. Yes, it is wise to clean up your life NOW! once the clarion call goes out, what is not finished is sealed on your soul path again for you to process.
And wouldn’t you know it? Coming soon my website will be down in order to install a new software which requires a design redo. Fun! I pray for an easy & quick learning curve.
So, now is the time or order anything you have been putting on hold. Whether it is a replay of a recording, a session with me, and right now as you are thinking and reading about it……go to facebook and follow me. I’ll be posting things there for a bit. Lightbody.ascension
And, before I sign off, the dragons are stirring. They desire to be adopted, they are sensing that their time is now right for their part in the ascension process and they are calling out to their adoptive partners in you! If you feel a tug after reading this paragraph, then scoot over to my site, and check out the dragons that are there and ready to be adopted. Here is the hot link: Dragon to "adopt" (starlightconnection.com)
Thanks for being a part of the Star Light Connection Family of Light and, keep following me on facebook.com/lightbody.ascension