August Newsletter 2022
Hi Everyone!
This is my Newsletter for the remainder of August/September 2022 which also includes a glimpse of what is to come in the next couple of years. I am emerging into a new frequency and I’m not sure when the next newsletter will be dictated via Spirit. I strongly suggest that you read the entire newsletter, then decide if you want to stay with me on this ascension journey or not.
I am compiling a new mailing list. so if you want to stay with me on my ascension journey, drop me an email at the address at the end of this newsletter and tell me: KEEP ME. and I will either add your name, or transfer your email to the new list.
2022 August / September Newsletter
Table of Contents:
- Monday Night Meditation/Channeling on Spring/Summer Solstice
- 3D to 5D
- Linear Time
- The Upcoming Fall/Winter Solstice
- The Sacred Heart
- Final Thoughts
- Highlighted
- Who Am I?
- Website News
- Last Thoughts/Thank You
Monday Night Meditation/Channeling on Spring/Summer Solstice
Most likely, you haven’t been attending the Monday Night Meditation/Channeling group that I offer every Monday night at 7pm on the internet and via replays; so I decided to present in this newsletter an overall heads up on a topic that has been repeated several times via the Ascension Realm Guardians Council of Light. It is always your choice to listen if you want, take heed if you want, be prepared if you want, but please realize that everyone, all humanity, as a group, and individually are currently experiencing an energy frequency that has the potential to drain one’s personal swamp of accumulated baggage carried forward in this life, as well as past lives. So, here we go:
Spirit has said on more than one occasion, that from now (spring solstice) to the fall/winter solstice, the energy will be intensified on taking care of situations related to one’s house, home, family, responsibilities in life, job, partnerships, relationships. This also includes the labels that we are wearing, labels others have put onto us that we agreed with and also labels that we have refused to wear. This energy will have us experiencing, once again, the emotional dramas that we placed in the basement of our life, under the rug, behind closed doors, etc. These dramas will surface and play out, once again, in our daily life. This includes past life karmic issues as well and medical concerns.
This can be overwhelming if it hits you all at once. If you don’t know how to deal with what is coming up it could cause much overwhelming chaos and question your ability to cope in life. The purpose of this is to resolve your baggage once and for all. Of course that is easier said than done in many cases, but the potential to do so is now available to everyone on the planet.
3D to 5D
Why is this happening you may ask. Well, the planet is ascending. In order to do that, things have to change. 3D must modulate into 5D. The transition is not an easy one. Each individual is connected to the universal consciousness via a special energy cord. Life on Earth has been for the longest time, a 3rd Dimensional planet vibration. Thus, the Group Consciousness of Humanity is connected to the Universal Consciousness via 3D cords. This connection is the “unconscious place” where humanity connects to find stabilization, grounding, foundational truth etc. This is all in the 3D Group Consciousness—this has been the typical 3D life pattern and direction on earth.
However, as the planet ascends to 5D, the cords to 3D consciousness limits the ascension process. Consequently, ascension cannot be realized when the 3D cords are connecting to a 3D group consciousness. Therefore, these 3D cords need to be severed before ascension is realized. Spirit severs the cords, not mankind. Mankind experiences the results of the severed cords.
The cords to the 3D Group Consciousness have been severed for a couple of years for Lightworkers who have requested cutting their 3D ties to Earth. This resulted in Lightworkers working through layers upon layers of their collective baggage. In the meantime, humanity didn’t notice a difference because they were still connected to the 3D collective consciousness.
As the ascension process accelerated, more and more Lightworkers were cutting their connection to 3D successfully clearing their baggage and began to seek a connection to 5D. For those Lightworkers, Spirit constructed a temporary connection, a bridge of sorts, to 5D. This worked for a while. However, as the planet continues to ascend, this temporary fix is being stretched to its limits.
Consequently, Spirit decided to pull the 3D cords from Earth to accelerate the ascension process. The 3D cords to the 3D collective Group Consciousness have been severed for a couple of years. Most people have not realized that the cords are severed. Thus the “illusion” of being in a 3D consciousness still exists through imprinting and programming that is ridged and stuck in the human energy field.
What that means is this. If you are living a charmed and event free life in 3D, and you can’t understand what all the noise is about in society these days, and life is still relatively “good” in your eyes, and many societal issues haven’t really hit home for you yet, then you are most likely living in the illusion of the old energy of the 3D Collective Group Consciousness. When that connection is challenged for you, you automatically and energetically reach for the 3D cord that connects you to your 3D roots in the Collective 3D Group Consciousness, and one day, you may discover that the connection no longer is there, or not as strong as it once was or feels disconnected somehow. That awareness will confuse you as you reach deep into your imprinting, programming and conditioning for stability.
Your conscious mind will support that action and justify it for you as well. However, as that stability path begins to crumble or cannot be found, that is when one becomes overwhelmed in life and begins to scramble to find sure footing with something once again. Things that have been stable now begin unraveling. Eventually your efforts to “ground” becomes more difficult to achieve and chaos enters with fears as you realize that parts of your familiar life unravels. This is disconnection.
The 3D connection has been severed for a couple of years. It exists only in the program of limitation, illusion, and 3D conditioning right now. People, caught up in the illusion of 3D are imprinting strongly on the consciousness of humanity memories of the 3D Group Consciousness. Even as the world is exposing the darkness in the world to light, many remain rooted within the 3D illusion and project more 3D consciousness and emotional drama on humanity. These folks are resistant to change—they don’t want nothing to upset their world. They feverishly attempt to remain in control of the world they have created for themselves. This also creates more “baggage” to be resolved individually and via group consciousness.
But as the “world” and Earth continues to shift and embrace the path of 5D awareness, those holding 3D awareness may potentially experience a vast separation from those that hold 5D awareness frequency. For many, this shift and separation of awareness, at some point down the road, may force compliance to a new awareness which one may not be completely ready to accept. This may overwhelm the illusion they are holding of 3D and break it down piece by piece. Others, who elect not to move in their awareness positioning, may remain in overwhelm and shock and be paralyzed in their ability to move forward. There is some speculation that there will be a split of energy/earth and a new parallel will be constructed for those who are in 3D and simply cannot morph to a higher frequency. And those that transition to 5D will have an entirely new earth experience as well.
I (SarahAnn) do not know if that will occur or not, it is held in “spirit” as a potential for earth, but our free can overrides potential so I am told. however, what is occurring now is the consistent shift to 5D awareness. When the new energy of 5D Group Consciousness connects to the Universal 5D Consciousness for this planet, change happens and that change is in the process of happening now.
Linear Time
For those of you who are feeling that time is speeding up…. Well, it has been for a few years now. When the 3D cord of linear time was detached, time limitation on the planet was released from its linear program and the effect of that release is the concept of time speeding up. Time will continue to speed up until it reaches and meets the threshold of cyclic time. Cyclic time is the time that higher vibrations use. It moves in a circle. It is said that you can “meet yourself” in a future moment in time when embracing cyclic time. I do not know if that is true.
As the illusion of 3D linear time is rapidly speeding up it soon will meet the concept of cyclic time. When that happens, logic would lead one to believe that both time constructs will share the spotlight together on earth for a while, then as the planet continues to ascend, linear time will fade away and cyclic time will be the new time measurement on earth. This might even change how we view the calendar months. That is beyond the scope of my newsletter tho. I believe that when cyclic time stabilizes as the time measurement on earth, that will mean that we will truly be in a solid 5D Consciousness.
Until that occurs, the current time construct of linear time speeding up, puts pressure and awareness on the aspects of ones’ life that need resolution. The thought of “not having enough time in the day to do ……” or, “where has the day/time gone?” are typical statements one makes as the speeding up of time is realized on the sub-conscious/conscious body level. The mental mind struggles, but the sub-consciousness mind of the body understands and tries to adjust. This may create conflicts with time for some individuals as time schedules, meetings, and time sensitive events are changeable and no longer a fixed point in time. No longer do we have the luxury of procrastination. The time is Now. The moment is Now. Just do it.
As our sub-conscious mind adapts to the time variance, it brings up our personal, social, intellectual, etc. limitations that we have experienced as past emotions, actions, deeds that were/are contrary to our soul path. This potentially can limit lessons we came to experience in this life and distort one’s conscious awareness. In other words, this is your unresolved baggage.
As the cloud of drama is being lifted, we can see what the root cause of our baggage truly is. We have the opportunity to see the true reason and purpose for our challenges, limitations, emotional responses, and situations of our life. Some individuals using both linear and cyclic time constraints will see this quicker than others. We operate at our own individual awareness—it’s all good. Although each of us have our own soul path to follow and our own timing to do so, we are governed by the collective group consciousness of the soul group we were incarnated within. These labels, limits and time constraints are still held in place by one’s soul group consciousness. Yes, that does limit one’s individual response, but as part of the group soul, all must remain until the one who lags behind, is brought into the fold. At that time, spirit will release or unbind the entire soul group and that entire soul group evolves humanity. As each soul group incarnate evolves within their time constructs, it raises the vibration of the planet.
As the planet continues to evolve, each soul group has the potential to embrace the next threshold of expanded awareness while incarnate on earth. In our current time, that threshold is the 5th dimensional frequency and vibration. The old soul group and the Indigo Soul Group are the two incarnate soul groups actively expanding awareness for the evolution of humanity.
The upcoming Fall/Winter Solstice.
In my Monday Night Meditation/Channeling Sessions, Spirit has shared with all who attend, and all who listen to the replays, that Lightworkers and all who are dealing with unraveling drama, and chaos in their life right now, need to get it cleaned up by the Winter Solstice.
Why? Because “spirit said” that we are going to quickly enter into the next awareness and what is unfinished business in our life will be our greatest personal limitation. Limitations that are present going into the Winter Solstice will alter our ability to move forward in our personal awareness. (my note here: Spirit was not defining what that means, but I’m sure that once we are into the Winter Solstice time, the channeling I do will be more exacting. For now tho, get things cleaned up. Chores you left unfinished, projects half done, emotions that still trouble you, unresolved medical issues…. You get the picture. We all have unfinished business to attend to. And with the impending cyclic time, we may not have the time to procrastinate in life any longer.)
If you have lingering issues from various past baggage you didn’t process and release, then you will be in another level of chaos and overwhelm as you attempt to do so.
(My note: Whether this is true or not, I dunno, but I’m working on “my stuff to release” every day. That includes physical possessions that clutter up one’s living space, emotions that stick and like to be repeated thru action and words, and memory replays of past events, unmet or unresolved spiritual quests and desires, medical and health issues, (omg, lots of folks going thru that right now, including me), financial issues of all kinds, including financial obligations and risk investments. Try to resolve all your financial obligations by the end of the year if you can).
Life desires. What have you desired materialistically in life? Emotionally in life? Spiritually in life? Medically in life? Be clear on them and see if you still desire them. If yes, make that desire happen as quickly as you can (which resolves the desire) OR, keep the desire alive as a goal to achieve, but make sure that the goal you desire still fits into your budding 5D awareness. And if it is no longer a desire, remove it from your energy field. If you “thought about it, or thinking about it”, its lingering in your energy field.
Spirit has channeled that this Fall/November/December will be a lull in the chaos. A time to be still and sleep, rest, enjoy the holidays. Is the family still gathering together? What is your part in the drama or outcome? Is/has it changed? Be mindful of how you go through the holidays this year. By all means enjoy it, but be mindful of your inner stirrings. Things should be settled down and we all hopefully will breathe more easily during this time.
Spirit has also said that in 2023 humanity as a whole will go inward. This happens personally, and in society. If you have resolved your unfinished issues in 2022, then you can indulge in your inner spiritual journey. If you have not resolved your issues then those issues get compounded with your inner journey and will limit you in finding clarity in self. Prepare to struggle, if this is your case, as you seek the inner journey. This is the time that each individual will come to terms with their deepest heart –their sacred heart.
The Sacred Heart
I have taught and shared many instructional meditations on the proper way to embrace your sacred heart. They are on the website if you missed them. Spirit has said many times in channeling, all the instructional heart meditations will be put into action in 2023 as individuals will find no peace, no comfort, no direction outside of their own sacred heart whisperings. If you do not understand how to reach your sacred heart of hearts in meditation, the upcoming year may be challenging for you. You might want to start practicing now.
Spirit has said that this is this time for great potential self-awareness. That each individual will dig to the core foundation of their soul to find what they are made of, why they are actually are here, whom they truly are, and then…..will you have the courage to embrace the real you? Will you accept what you discover, or deny it? Will you express courage in the day-to-day life you live, whatever form that it takes, or morph into? Where will you go for your strength, convictions in life? Whom and what do you follow and why? We are speaking of religion here as well. What are your religious beliefs all about? What do you truly believe? What you were taught in your religious training and upbringing, concepts accepted as an adult? Are you close minded, or open to new concepts? How do you recognize your own truth? You have the potential to question those beliefs or uphold them with an unshakable belief. It is possible that your belief will morph in the coming year and shape your day-to-day life actions, words, path, etc. You may feel differently and that is what going within this year will achieve for those of you who are ready to do so. You will begin the year with one awareness (the carry over awareness of 2022) and may end the year in an entirely different vibrational place.
Spirit also said that as each individual embraces the year 2024, the year of action; they will do their best to live out their new vibrational awareness. This is a year of infinite possibilities, and well-predicted failures. A year of manifestation of a new way to live (individually) harnessed and limited by those who still cling to the old 3D imprints and programs yet offering expansion by those holding a 5D positioning. The struggles many will feel as they spread their wings and honor their inner self, will be met with opposition as well as with opportunities. It is a year of manifesting. Who is the stronger manifestor. Who is the stronger creator. Who will allow someone stronger than they are to dictate their life as it once was dictated and limited in 3D? These are the challenges that this year will present to humanity. These are the potentials we see. Humanity has the ability to change each potential. Ultimately, each individual will stand in their own truth.
And as a finale glimpse into the time-line of humanity, Spirit offers that 2025 will be the clean it up year. The year that you clean up your own house, (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and for some physically) and get ready for a new year ahead. Humanity, society as a whole will also be doing clean up duty. Re-sorting, re-establishing norms, setting new agendas, etc. It is a year of transformation and preparation for a new breath of air. Whether the change is labeled good by some or bad by others, depends on the previous year of what was manifested. This is the year that one begins to realize what they truly manifested, and that may not be exactly as one thought it would be. That would require an adjustment to one’s individual life accordingly. In 2026, the year of new beginnings, what was manifested in 2023/2024/2025 becomes the new reality one will experience and move forward with on the Earth plane.
Individuals have a choice. You can go with the flow and prepare yourself the best you can, or you can just coast along in the illusion. Both courses of action will be expressed via humanity. We continue to watch and guide those souls who seek vibrational ascension. We continue to monitor the morphing potentials of humanity. What we share is in the “field” as “potentials” nothing is set in stone, it changes continually. Please remember that We are with you always. And so it is.
Final Thoughts
This is my newsletter for August 2022.
Future Newsletters are forthcoming as spirit directs me to write. When you NEED to know something, Spirit has me sit down and write a newsletter.
There is a lot happening in the world as it ascends to its next. I will write when spirit tells me to. I now am writing a short message daily that I am sharing with everyone who wants to read it. If you want to be on that list, let me know.
If you want off of the mailing list, just reply back, REMOVE ME-NEWSLETTER, and I will do so immediately.
For those that want to stay with me and learn about new changes that are coming, please reply back with KEEP ME-NEWSLETTER in the subject line, and I will send the next newsletter whenever I am told to write from spirit to you.
IF you are reading the newsletter here, on my website and want to be on the mailing list for the thoughts from spirit or newsletter drop me an email with your request.
Who Am I?
I am SarahAnn. For those who know me as “Sarah”, please note that I stepped into my birthright and claimed my true spiritual birth name, SarahAnn.
Although I have “retired” from doing the Victory of Light Expo in Ohio, and other venues in Michigan and Ohio, I still actively assist individuals in my private practice. Check out my website: www.StarLightConnection.com
As you morph into your own personal ascension process, or decide to maintain your 3D vibration, you may need assistance in your life to do so from time to time. I can assist you.
Although I am not present in the public fair venues I remain here, in Michigan, ready to serve mankind where and how I am needed. And yes, I will travel to you if need be.
- Sometimes you may need to just “talk” to someone…..I am here for you.
- Sometimes you may need “insight” into your future on your soul path….I am here for you.
- Sometimes you may need to have a “clearing healing” to help prepare you for your next…..I am here for you.
- Sometimes you may need a surgical or energetic healing from me……I am here for you.
Website News
As you may have noticed, my website continues to change. Please check it out. As I continue to embrace my 5th dimensional ascension process, my website will continue to morph with me.
Currently I offer my 3D services to those still lingering in 3D, but I will add, those services soon will be removed from my website. I no longer wish to engage with the 3D level of drama in life. I can help you remove your drama, but I will not enable you in it.
I take that position because it becomes increasingly difficult to lower my energy from my current frequency to a 3D frequency. That also reinforces 3D limitations in my energy field which I pretty much have cleared out and definitely do not want to return to. I am fast approaching an awareness that will no longer support a 3D energy process. I can, and I will, assist you to get there too!
First and foremost, I am, and always have been a Master Energy/Frequency Lightbody Healer. I manipulate the matrix, re-code your codes, perform Lightbody Etheric Surgery, council with you (healing/ readings) remove the limitations from the etheric body and realign mental limitations, clear one’s genetic lineage of limitation, and so much more. This is what I came to earth this time around to do in service to mankind.
I am available to assist you, you just need to call, text, or email me.
Last Thoughts
As always, it has been my pleasure, and privilege in serving you via the psychic expos I have attended in the past. As I move into a more private/personal way of serving mankind, I thank you in advance for this support and understanding as I spiritually continue to share my gifts of clairvoyance and healing ability with humanity.
As I close this door of public expos, another is quickly opening with greater potentials of sharing with you. So, this is not a goodbye, but a time of metamorphosis for me and you, as I walk through a threshold of infinite potential emerging in my life as “my next”; and I have full intention of taking YOU on this journey with me. You only need to ask……….
I invite you to join me.
As a post script to this long newsletter, I began the beginning steps of perhaps the transitory step to my new work this morning. I have decided to write down the messages that spirit shares with me, and share them with a private mailing list. If you are receiving this newsletter via my personal email from starlightconnection@outlook.com, then you are on my private email list. Those on my regular “mailing list” will receive only the newsletter via the mail chimp server. Many of you will be on both. If you receive the newsletter twice that is why. There will be options to opt out, and to stay in for both the newsletter and my new thought sharing emails. PLEASE let me know what you want to receive.
Thoughts From Spirit. Newsletter. Both. Nothing.
With much gratitude and love,
posted link on Facebook: lightbody.ascension
reference link on facebook: sarah.schwe/
posted link on my website: blog purple ribbon Newsletters/ Thoughts from Spirit
sent via mail chimp email client
The above will be posted another day.