January 2022
Hello everyone!
Wow, where did 2021 go eh? slipped right on by with hardly a speck of dust to account for 365 days of living!
and now we are here in 2022.
I do have to apologize to everyone for not putting a newsletter out for a few months. As you know I seem to always be plagued with computer issues, and this year has been no exception to that rule. For the past 2 months I've been frantically updating my old software to a new software platform. such fun. but I have been learning. Who knows, maybe I am being broken in for a new career in website construction and updating---NOT!
Spiritually, I have been really focused on getting myself clear and clean to embrace 2022 with as strong of a 5th dimensional frequency as I can. and I gotta tell ya, it isn't easy with all the panic, fear, and so much saddness that we hear in our environment and across the globe. There is a silver lining somewhere and I believe that in 2022 we will all see that familiar glimmer beconing us onward to a brighter future.
So, my Monday Night Meditation has been rocking! Each week the meditation and channeling is spot on, and downloading to everyone present with light code for our ascension process. Everyweek someone else joins the group. we are slowly expanding to a very nice expression of love and compassionate people.
Well, this was a test of the new blog section of my website. so, if you happen to see this. consider it a new years newsletter!
Bye for now.