Thoughts from Spirit October 29, 2022
Here is the Thought From Spirit for today. Hope you enjoy it.
Thoughts From Spirit
October 29, 2022
Energy is comprised of frequency and vibration. The energy you project is collected into a consciousness. There are several groups of consciousness. For simplification, they are lumped together and simply labeled “the group consciousness”.
Your emotions and thoughts emit energy. The energy you project is “collected” and “stored” in a specific consciousness aligned with the emotions you are projecting into the world.
Consequently, if you are upset and angry over something, your emotions will be triggered and the associated emotion will overflow and project outward. You may aim those emotions at an inanimate object, or at another person, or shout them into a pillow, but they are captured and collected into the consciousness that supports that emotion.
Likewise, if you are at peace, in love, or have benevolent emotions and direct them outward to someone or something, or in prayer and meditation, that energy is also projected and captured in a “consciousness” that is aligned with the same frequency of projection.
So the question to ask yourself today is simply this: “what thoughts or emotional energy will you send to the “group consciousness” today? “
And a follow-up second question is this: “knowing that what you project into the “groups of consciousness” is collected with your name on it, and eventually will recycle back to you….will that energy recycle align with your soul path in this life? Or your desire to ascend?”
Multi-dimensional Healer, Visionary, Intuitive, Channel
Will write the next time Spirit decides to share……. Have a Happy Halloween.