September 23, 2022
Thoughts from Spirit
September 23, 2022
Greetings to you this morning!
Navigating the human existence and following one’s soul path is dependent upon the ability of the incarnate soul to make good decisions in each “now” moment in life.
Whether a soul is directed via their “thinking” or their “feeling” or by a combination of both, decisions are made continually each moment of life. Every decision actually aligns with one’s soul path or with one’s lessons they have chosen to experience in this life. Each decision made determines the experiences of one’s future life situations and will call for yet another decision to be made. Decisions are endless. They are part of the “free-will” aspect of living on Earth.
Making those free-will decisions in the human experience is a motivating enticement built within the reincarnation experience for planet Earth. Your daily free-will decisions can limit one’s soul from escaping the program of linear time in the 3D realm of awareness or expand the awareness of soul growth. Each soul is presented with this free-will opportunity with every decision they make each day. This enticement is a motivating factor that makes a soul eager to stand in the line of reincarnation over and over again—to get it right.
As the soul increases in awareness this linear concept of time and reincarnation is replaced with the thought of living life in each “Now” moment and for some, believing that this is their last incarnation on Earth. Living this concept eventually unravels linear time programs and allows the soul to advance and take their first step into cyclic time awareness.
Cyclic time closely resembles spiritual time on this side of the veil. When the concept of cyclic time becomes a daily awareness, the incarnate soul begins to break through their 3D physical programs of limitation which reveals one’s innate memories. As the soul embraces their innate memories, gifts, and abilities, this empowers the incarnate soul and propels them to take the additional steps to embrace the frequency and vibrational patterns that were previously suppressed as they willingly accepted the physical body form on Earth.
Each time an awareness reveals another infinite potential for the incarnate soul it unravels more of the programs of linear time that limit the soul from experiencing their magnificence on Earth.
Do you remember your souls’ infinite potential for this lifetime?
This entourage cheers for each of you. We hold the doorway of awareness open for you, we welcome you home. We have missed watching you express as your infinite potential self. We are excited that the ascension process on Earth has presented the opportunity for each incarnate soul to experience their soul potential and finally begin to live the concept of “heaven on Earth”.
We are the Angel entourage of the Ascended Realm Guardians, Council of Light.
And so it is.
From SarahAnn.
Sorry I’ve been silent, I’ve been processing the mercury retrograde. I’m looking forward to October 9th and the clean slate that Spirit will assist each of us with in our energy fields. Keep working and processing that which no longer serves you in life. Together we will embrace a clean slate and downloads that will be good for each of us. More is coming on those downloads too.
This mailing is going out via mail chimp.
For those who want to do this work with me just let me know. I’ll be sending a square or paypal invoice in October.