Thoughts From Spirit - September 25, 2022
Here is today's
Thoughts from Spirit.
Sept 25, 2022
The methodology of transitioning from 3D to 5D awareness is not as hard as you think it is.
What actually happens in transitional awareness?
First, something that needs to be cleared from your accumulated life experiences that no longer resonates with your desired outcomes in life, surfaces to your conscious awareness for consideration.
The 3D mind goes into “processing” at this point and does its critical analysis by going over every little detail of this “issue”. That is what the 3D conscious mind does. The problem with that is that the emotional body gets caught up in the stored emotion of the issue and re-lives the issue and associated emotions and recycles all of it though the cellular body once again.
In the desire to transition into a 5D awareness, a 3D limitation program surfaces and you believe that re-living the issue with its emotional tags is how you “clear” the issue from recycling over and over again.
We wish to also say, that for some folks, recycling in this manner, via voicing the issue and experiencing the emotional impact of it over and over again, does tend to lessen the impact of the emotion that is captured in the cellular body, and eventually neutrality is achieved. However, this can take a long time as measured within a linear time frame.
An easier way to achieve an ascended awareness of a captured emotional experience that no longer aligns with your energy is simply to state the issue, recognize and accept the issue within, voicing it out loud, and if you are in touch with your cellular body, identify which part of your body holds the emotional trigger for you. These are just suggestions. There are numerous ways, all beneficial, to identify the root cause of the limiting experience you are surfacing. Do your best to control the emotion that arises. Then let it go.
Let it go. What does that mean?
It means that after the specified length of linear time that you have determined that this issue shall be remembered and recycled in your energy system, you simply de-energize it, quit speaking of it, and get on with the rest of your day. That’s how you let it go. Also, to coin a phrase, Let go and Let God.
As you get busy with the rest of your day, your conscious mind is busy making decisions and directing your responses as it should be; but, your cellular body is still processing what was recycled on a sub-conscious level.
When you let it go, your cellular body begins to diminish or resolve the emotional experience for you. But it does it when the conscious focus is on something other than the issue.
What this means is that in living your life, the days that seem to be meaningless and without purpose or direction; those days of just relaxing and doing nothing so it would seem. Days of enjoying watching the grass grow, the ebb and flow of the water, the bird songs, clouds in the sky, etc., these are the days that the cellular body utilizes to process what no longer serves you. These are the days that one experiences growth in frequency, vibration, and awareness.
You can never dictate to your body, today you will raise my frequency to 5D! HA! It does not happen like that. But the body remembers that your desire is to achieve 5D, and when your focus is elsewhere, that goal is pursued by your cellular body.
Yes! That is the secret to processing all those negative emotions and transitioning to a higher frequency level. Now you know.
Once the issues of limitation are neutralized, your energy field can be cleared. We will discuss that subject on another day.
Now the question is……..what will you decide to do with this message we shared with our partner today?
We are the entourage identified as The Angelic Realm Guardians of Light, existing within the infamous collective of The Council of Light.
And so it is!