August 19, 2022
August 19, 2022
Thoughts from Spirit
The Ascension Realm Guardians known as Celeste I say good morning to you this day!
Welcome to a new day! A new day in your linear life that will hold opportunities for you to establish new networks of friendships, relationships that can and will alter your attitudes in life, love, and your pursuit of happiness.
Embrace this day with no expectation, but to surrender to the gift of life that our Father, Mother, Creator has set out for you to explore.
Complete what needs to be completed this day, but also set aside a time for exploring something new. Take a walk and enjoy the life that surrounds you, try a new receipe, buy yourself a trinket and be grateful that you could afford to do so, smile and be friendly to others. Each action you take, take in gratitude and love for the experience it offers.
As you progress through your day, know that we are with you. Perhaps you cannot “see” us, but the entourage of Light follows you, is with you, and precedes your every step. It is not only in your meditation gatherings that we are with you to extend our love to you, but in everyday you breathe in your beautiful human bodies of expression.
The Celeste I Entourage