August 20, 2022
August 20, 2022
The Ascension Realm Guardians known as Celeste III say good morning to you this day!
Allow a moment please while we introduce ourselves to you. We are the entourage called Celeste III. We represent the voice of Ascended Masters who specialize in planetary ascension. We assist in bridging the transition between two or three different frequency vibrations and frequency levels so when one begins their transition process it is not a difficult task to complete.
On your planet, humanity is transitioning from a 3D frequency to a 4D frequency. The 4D frequency is often mistakenly referred to as a 5D frequency and that is to be expected. Incarnate souls, in their excitement to raise their frequency vibration, tend to skip vital steps in their everyday life learning challenges. This results in many incarnate beings having to “repeat” a process to learn the step they overlooked or rushed through. This is seen in all walks of life and in all life situations. You call it your past baggage. We call it impatience. Unlearned steps in a process of evolution always slows up the transition to another frequency level. It is one’s baggage to overcome. The lessons unlearned in one’s life must be experienced over and over again until the incarnate soul understands and learns the awareness. At that point, forward progress resumes.
Incarnate souls, utilizing their higher self soul awareness, see the end goal of frequency advancement, rather than the minuscule steps which prepare the soul for the new frequency. Often those smaller learning steps seem non-essential, a nuisance, and time consuming to experience let alone walk through. Thus, the soul tends to “skip” over those lessons in life with distractions they manifest. They do this because they unconsciously know the end result and cannot wait to receive it, so they attempt to fast-forward to the end result they before they are ready to embrace it.
When a challenging lesson is presented on the soul path, that is when it is easily remedied. Ignoring it allows it to accumulate intensity. The more it repeats without resolution, the intensity increases. Soon it is labeled “baggage” and not so popular or easy to resolve. This pattern is repeated in every incarnate soul’s life journey—no matter what planet or specie type they are expressing in.
Many Lightworkers, as you refer to yourselves with this label of spiritual awareness, on some level realize this pattern and have taken measurements to embrace the lessons they have not learned the first time around. Lightworkers with this understanding typically are resonating at a high 4D level of awareness. They have accepted the whispers of “spirit” to remedy those challenges quickly and they take action accordingly. Lightworkers, resonating at a high 4D frequency feel the potential and sometimes urgent transition to a 5D a higher awareness. This awareness begins with the linear time collapsing and the perception of cyclic time unfolding. Incarnate souls at this level of high 4D Lightbody, feel that time is speeding up and the fast-forward end result is approaching faster than they are prepared to handle. This often leads to feeling overwhelmed with so much to do and so little time to do it in.
Every time one transitions to a different frequency awareness, the time element is present. This is felt going from 3D to 4D, from 4D to 5D. It is a natural progression, and you have transitioned well in your past histories. You will transition well in this one as well.
The impending traditional end result can be labeled as an “open door to one’s next vibratory rate”, in other words, the “ascension process” you believe is happening on your planet now…..is truly happening.
It is at this point in the transition of one’s frequency vibration to another, that we, the entourage of Celeste III make communication with incarnate souls who are preparing for this natural transition. In this case, the human humanity of planet Earth.
We have been welcomed in the meditation/channeling circle of this human whom we see as our partner that we have spoken through and now via the written word. It is at our urging that we impressed upon her to write a message from us each day as she can, to share freely with other Lightworkers that she may not be able to reach in her meditation circle. In doing so, it is our vision to help each incarnate transitioning lightworker soul to gain a positive approach to many overwhelming feelings that are associated with soul transition.
We will also say, that what you have labeled, newly awakened souls, are incarnate souls who were asleep in 3D reality. They now are awakening to their divinity and many are truly overwhelmed and lost in the fast pace of a society that is unraveling. They are easily led astray energetically. Lightworkers who have tread these awakening waters previously, will hover in 4D long enough to basically “rescue” those awakening souls and lead them on their spiritual path successfully.
Current Lighworkers who are hovering in a high vibrational level of 4D are completing the final phases of resolving their “baggage” they have accumulated through their lifetimes on earth. They are preparing their energy frequency for the next level of their awareness, labeled 5D on your earth plane. Those that transition early will assist those lightworkers who remain in a high 4D to do rescue work with newly awakened souls, cross the bridge to ascension successfully.
In a future session, we will elaborate.
The time is correct for the entourage of Celeste III, to intervene in the spiritual progression of those souls ready for our assistance. For now our advice is this:
Wherever your frequency resonance is currently at, Internally connect to your sacred heart and listen to the whispers it speaks. Follow without hesitation. Correct what needs to be corrected. Master the last few lessons of 3D that you need to. Express love as much as you can to others and to yourself. We stand here ready to walk across the bridge with you and give you your diploma of excellence and mastership. You stand on the threshold of the unknown, you have been here before. We welcome you with open loving arms.
Come…..take our hand…..we are here for you……waiting…….
And so it is.