August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022 – Thoughts From Spirit
Morning Greetings from Celeste I of the entourage of Ascension Realm Guardians from the Ascension Council of Light
We come with a message today to prepare your unconscious and conscious mind for an energy frequency information download that may disrupt your energy field of beliefs and values. To assist you with this, we bring you this message to ponder.
As a planet ascends from one frequency level to another, hidden information is always “revealed”. How the information is received by the masses denotes the speed that the planet ascends.
Those who live on an ascending planet must also ascend. This can be challenging as old energy unravels and new conceptual energy forms. Your planet is at the beginning stages of this transition. We offer assistance for a successful and easy transition.
In transition, information is typically revealed that will re-write the “history” of a planet. It often challenges moral code, belief systems, core memories, programmed narratives, etc. This is a necessary part of transition.
Countries, societies, and individuals will re-define that which governs them. This can be challenging for a planet as a whole, and individually.
To assist, we offer this advice. Do not rebel when your inner belief system is challenged. Examine and research the information presented and weigh it against your belief concepts. Then go within your sacred heart of hearts to re-discover and remember who you are at your core soul level. Here you will find your sacred truth and your true mettle..
As incarnate souls, the memory of your sacred truth is buried deep within you. This is done so you can experience life in it fullest while in a physical body. It is also a personal challenge to discover this truth and allow it to govern your actions as you go about living in the physical realm. Living in the physical realm may allow outside influence to distort and tempt you from your inner truth. This also is acceptable as you are co-existing on a free will planet.
During planetary ascension, hidden and buried truth becomes accessible via the challenge of change.
By going within to one’s sacred heart of hearts, means being in “the presence” of the I AM Consciousness. This is found only in the stillness of one’s own sacred heart.
Practice being in “the Presence”. Listen to the whispers of your inner truth. Sit quietly and be still and allow the awareness of your sacred truth to arise.
We are Celeste I. We bring you this message with love. We celebrate you. We honor you. We cherish you.
And so it is!