August 31, 2022
As you begin each new day with or without a game plan in mind, your day may include some twists and turns before it is over. How will you respond? What will you learn? Where will your awareness be?
Daily distractions may change the plans of the day for you. Twists and turns may alter, distort, support rational thinking, sway emotions, etc. Challenges and surprises can bring happiness, sadness, stability, chaos or even support boring routines. Did you know that this “unknown factor” of every day living is the very lure that enticed you to return once again to the wheel of reincarnation?
How many times have you wished for a crystal ball to see what lays ahead of you for a day, for a time, for your future? Yet, it is this “unknown aspect of living one’s life” that offers the greatest advancement to a soul. Then, as a bonus surprise, your planet ascended! The ascension frequency increased the potential for humanity to spiritually evolve.
Rarely does a planet ascend as quickly as Earth has done; and incarnate souls chose life at this time hoping for the possibility of the ascension of Earth. They chose correctly.
As an individual soul, collectively as a soul group, and as humanity in oneness, opportunity now is available to evolve quickly and potentially eliminate the required wheel of incarnation. This is a phenomenal opportunity for every incarnate soul.
The entire company of heaven, entourages, councils of light, halls of healing and awareness, ascended masters, etc., are all focused on this little planet called Earth and the incarnate souls living on it.
Will incarnate souls rise to the occasion? Will they slumber in sleep? How will they transition? Will they walk thru the door of infinite possibilities? What will they choose? What will “you” choose dear Lightworker?
The eyes of heaven are upon you. We are with you always. We love you always. We will help in any way we can—just ask!
And our advice will always be this:
- Be Love.
- Align, connect, and be “in presence” with the infinite “I AM”
- Know your own truth, seek it out in your sacred heart of hearts
- Listen to that small whisper of your heart
- Choose Love, Kindness, Gratitude, Consideration, Understanding
- Be the angel on earth as you are on our side of the veil.
- Love, Love, Love, turn the other cheek, forgive, and Love, Love, Love
- Be Love
We are Celeste III offering you this day--wisdom of the ancients.
And From SarahAnn.
This concludes the messages for August. Find all of the Thoughts From Spirit for August under the heading August 2022 Archives.