12D Dragons

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All Dragons on this website are 12th dimensional Dragons from

The Dragon Realm Universe

They are here to assist you.  What Dragon is calling you?

Dragons emerge when a planet is evolving (ascending) to her next.  and.....our Earth is ascending!

Dragons are here to assist humanity to accelerate awareness and ascend to our next!

Dragons protect the incarnating new root race of man--

our Precious Crystal Children!

Dragons also assist with the Ascension of the exiting root race--

Old Souls.

What Dragon is Calling to YOU?

It is possible to have more than one Dragon in your entourage! 

However, unlike the Guardian Angels that we are familiar with
who serve many individuals simultaneously,

Dragons only align with one individual at a time!

Therefore, each Dragon that "calls to you" is exclusively yours!


Want to know more about Dragons? 

Read more on Dragons by clicking here for my blog spot.

In stock
ED 045 Yellow Dragon

Yellow Dragons work with those who work in the animal kingdom and help sustain communications between animals and humans, and also help those humans to relate better in their person to person relationships.  Read more about this dragon by clicking on the picture or scrolling below


In stock
ED 044 Purple Lilac Dragon
This is a hybrid dragon holding both deep purple and lilac coloring.  Very spiritual and very intellectual.  click on picture for more info or just scroll down
In stock
10 days
ED 043 Green Dragon
If you are looking to find balance and healing in life, then this is the dragon for you!  click on the picture for more information or just scroll below
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ED 042 Purple Dragon
Although Purple Dragons are very spiritual, they bring wisdom and protection to their partners.  Read more about this dragon by clicking on the picture or scrolling below
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ED 041 Black & White Striped Dragon
This Black striped dragon will be a perfect companion for a Crystal Child.  If you know of a child that would benefit from a Black Dragon that can infuse love into the heart of a child who may be getting enough love, and a child that needs a protector to defend them and/or advocate for them, and if they would benefit from the Power of the White Power Dragon that holds the Christ White Light as their core essence and would keep that child protected in the White Light, then this may be the perfect dragon for that child.  click on picture for more informaion, or scroll down
In stock
ED 040 Pink Striped Dragon

This pink striped dragon will be a perfect companion for a Crystal Child.  If you know of a child that would benefit from a Quan Yin Dragon that can infuse love into the heart of a child who may be getting enough love, and a child that needs someone to defend them and advocate for them, they would benefit from the Power of the White Power Dragon that holds the Christ White Light as their core essence, then this may be the perfect dragon for that child.



In stock
ED 039 Pink Quan Yin Dragon
Pink Quan Yin Dragon holds the energy of unconditional love and so much more.  find out more about this dragon, click on the picture or scroll down
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ED 038 Black and Gold Dragon
If you have difficulties standing up for yourself, cannot seem to “kick” a bad habit, or wish the walls of limitation to fall down so you can step onto a different path, this would be the Dragon for you.  click on pic for more info or scroll down
In stock
10 days
ED 037 Black Dragon
If you have difficulties standing up for yourself, cannot seem to “kick” a bad habit, or wish the walls of limitation to fall down so you can step onto a different path, this would be the Dragon for you
In stock
ED 036 Blue Dragon
If you hear the call of a Blue Dragon know that you have a team player that will move whatever limits you out of your path so you can move forward on your path and accomplish your goals with ease and grace.   Select picture to read more or scroll down
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ED 035 Green Lace Dragon
This Green Lace Dragon is an asset to any healer or individual who would like to be a healer.  Read more about this dragon by clicking on the picture or scrolling below.
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ED 034 Gold Lace Dragon
Gold Lace Dragons bring to you the highest Christ Light of the omni-verse.  They are eager to transfer this Golden energy into your energy field.  If you feel one calling to you, you are ready for the gifts that the Gold Lace Dragon brings to you.  read more, clic on picture, or scroll below
In stock
10 days
ED 033 Pink Lace Dragon
If this dragon is calling to you……..maybe its time for you to begin to experience “love” at a higher level than you can possibly imagine.  Click on the pic for more information, or scroll below
In stock
ED 032 Red Fire Breathing Head
This Red Fire Breathing Dragon means business!  He is a great successful warrior for the challenges you face in life.  With this Dragon at your back, what have you got to fear eh?  click on picture for more info or just scroll down
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ED 031 Brown Lace Dragon
If you are attracted to this Brown Lace Dragon, you most likely could benefit from their ability to ground and stabilize your energy.  With stabile energy, your vibration is free to raise itself to its next energy level.  That opens the door for your frequency to raise, and ultimately makes it easier to embrace the Lightbody Ascension process and bring your awareness fully into 5D while still being very grounded in stable Earth energies.  click on picturre for more information, or scroll below
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ED 030 Dark Blue Lace Dragon
If you are attracted to a Dark Blue Lace Dragon your voice energy will be intwined with your dragons voice.  You will be heard!  So when you speak, be kind with your words, promote love in all that you say, give common sense solutions, and play nice with others.  In this way, not only are you heard among your peers, but respected for the fine wisdom you share! click on picture for more info, or scroll below
In stock
ED 029 Blue Lace Dragon
Blue Lace Dragons assist with smoothing out emotional situations. click on picture for more info. or scroll below
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ED 028 White Lace Dragon
A White Lace Power Dragon will help you to co-create with ease and grace and elevate you Lightbody ascension vibration to its next spiritual level.  click on picture for more information or scroll down
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ED 029 Black Lace Dragon
Black Lace Dragon on Beige Fabric 8x10 black frame, 5x7 Gold Frame 1 each.  This dragon lures your energy into their intricate wing pattern so they can transmute their energy frequency into yours. Blending together their energy with yours, they uplift your frequency & vibration t the next highest level.  What an easy way to ascend to your next spiritual lightbody level.  Click on picture for more information or scroll below
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ED 026 Twin Flame Dragons Silver
Twin Flames Silver Dragons.  these are available in a gold frame 8x10, 5x7 1 each, and in a silver frame 8x10, 5x7 1 each.  They can be reordered when out of stock.  Also can be order as a 10x10 wrapped canvas.  Black material.  click on picture for more information. or scroll down


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