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These beautiful machine embroidered Lace Dragons are an excellent way to bring a Dragon into your life and home.
They come with a ribbon hanger, have moveable wings, a crystal eye, and can be hung anywhere. You can even put them on a long ribbon or chain and wear them around your neck (power dragons are great for this) and they will help to keep negativity away from you! or pin them on a top, coat, sweater or blouse.
They can be easily re-sent in the mail, and are the most unique gift you can give to someone who has "everything".
Each Dragon is imbedded with their attributes, talents, gifts, and abilities that they can't wait to share with their adopted "mommy or daddy". Make sure you order a Dragon Connection Session with your Dragon!
These 12D Lace Dragons are from the Original and Authentic Dragon Realm Universe. A Dragon "session" to "connect" with your Dragon is advisable and available via phone/internet.
Adopt a Lace Dragon today!
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