Green Yellow Rainbow Dragon

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RD-04 Green Yellow Rainbow
Green Yellow Rainbow Dragon.  see below for more information click on picdture
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Green Yellow Rainbow Dragon
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Green Yellow Rainbow Dragon

This dragon is extremely intelligent and it has acquired wisdom through eons upon eons of life experiences.  It desires to share all that it has learned with a crystal child partner who has the desire to combine the wisdom into a digestible form for humanity to build upon. 

There is a plan developing, that will ignite a divine order molding the founational wisdom and intellect for a long time to come on our planet earth.  The crystal children are redeveloping the planet, and the wisdom of the omni-verse will be neeed to co-create the new earth of 5D. 

This Green/Yellow Hybrid Rainbow dragon carries the DNA, Wisdom, Intellect and determination to see it through to its end.

The crystal child that partners with this dragon will be marked for greatness in the way of being a founding father/mother of an entirely new concept of intellectual wisdom and knowledge.  They will be the “landmark scientist”, “genius inventor”, “medical marvel”, “business tycoon” of their time.

Old Soul Lightworkers who partner with this Dragon, are ancient master beings of light.  They partner to protect the knowledge and hold it intact until such time that a crystal child, who may be a baby right now, is old enough to handle the influx of this magnitude.

If this dragon is calling to you, take it in stride, one piece of information at a time.  Ask that the visualizations you receive, give just one scene at a time.  All is in divine order.

If you are an advocate of a crystal child, caretaker, parent, etc., and you just think that this dragon is "perfect" for your child, trust your inner wisdom.  The child may be too young to understand, and the dragon is calling to you because of your association with this child.  IF the child is unborn and you are hearing the call and you are its parent, the child in its innate wisdom has aligned with this dragon already.  Just get the dragon.  You will be raising an extremely intelligent child and that will be challenging, but you are its parent, and you knew this would be the way it will be and you are perfectly the right person to be their parent.  All is in Divine order.

oh and when your child develops its "imaginary friend" and they tell you its a big peach dragon, just smile, and say, honey, what is his/her name?  and so it is.


Balance & Wisdom Rainbow Dragon.

    1. This dragon has multiple shades of deep green laced with bright yellow.
    2. Its essence is Balance with Wisdom
    3. When a soul has this Rainbow Dragon as part of their team, they will discover that they have an ability to observe all points of a situation and extract the highest level of balance and well-being for all concerned. They come to their decisions through the avenue of wisdom, transparency, and overall balance for everyone concerned.
    4. This dragon has the ability to keep one focused when the going gets tough. To have hope via embracing the wisdom of ones soul, body, environment and striking a balance accordingly that brings a successful outcome for everyone involved.
    5. A good diplomatic dragon for sure, and one that will extrapolate wisdom in everything the soul does.

Click Here to read about Rainbow Dragons


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