Green/White Rainbow Dragon

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RD-03 Green White Rainbow
Green White Rainbow Dragon for healing.  see more information below click on picture
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Green/White Rainbow Dragon
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Green White Rainbow Dragon -  This is the Healing Rainbow Dragon for Crystal Children and ascending Lightworker Old Souls

This beautiful Green Rainbow Dragon is a hybrid cross of a vibrant green bloodline, typical of Elemental Green Dragons and the pure White bloodline of the Christed White Dragons.  Between these two DNA mated dragon bloodlines, a beautiful Rainbow Green & White emerges.  This Rainbow dragon carries the best of both bloodline lineages in its DNA essence and the Crystal Children respond to the energy ever so smoothly.

A Crystal Child incorporating the Healing attributes of this Dragon simply needs to just have it in the same room with them, and "know within" that the Dragon has already created the healing within the child in the very breath that the child takes.  When the Dragon actually breathes fire (green healing mist) onto the crystal child, it would be because the illness or dysfunction was lodging in their cellular body too quickly for the child to remove OR, it was carried over from the parents lineage and needed to be addressed as a "lesson to learn" using the child as the instrument in the lesson.  The quicker the parents learn the lesson, the quicker the issue leaves the child.  The Dragon expedites this healing with grace and ease.


  1. The Healing Rainbow Dragon.
    1. This dragon has multiple shades of green with white
    2. Its essence is Healing
    3. When a soul has a Rainbow Healing Dragon in their energy field, it assists the soul to be in total wellness, balance, and all facets of being healthy.
    4. If the soul should experience a health dysfunction, this dragon come in and with its fire breathing ability, can burn the dysfunction away with its gentle green healing mist.
    5. This dragon also reminds the soul that they have the ability to heal within and the dragon will relay the proper healing techniques or modalities to use to the child via telepathic communication. If the child's parents are astute enough to be observant and watch and learn to trust the innate of their child, healing can be accomplished in record time.  If however, the parents are locked into allopathic medicine and go the "drug" routine, healing will be much slower.
    6. Crystal Children are not from this planetary foundational core, so they have to integrate, much like a walk in had to integrate when they assumed a fully grown body.  the integration process can be challenging.
    7. This dragon helps the soul to remember how to heal themselves and who they truly are.

Click Here to read more information about Rainbow Dragons

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