Chakra Intention Card 4 - Heart Chakra Green
The 4th chakra center is located in the heart region of the human body. It governs the heart, blood vessels, lungs and surrounding bones, diaphragm, ribs, shoulder joints.
Select this card when you: have difficulties loving another person, have trust issues with people and in life, cannot "feel" into your own heart, lost your heart song, feel unloved in a room of people who say they love you, carry grudges, harden down your heart, have erected walls around your heart, are unforgiving to others, have difficulties separating the head from the heart when making decisions in life, when you are ruled by your heart and cast logic to the wind--only to regret it after the fact, when you cannot say no, when you put yourself on the bottom of the to do list, when you take care of everyone and everything else first and whatever time is left over MAYBE you will take care of you, but mostly you won't.
Are you a work-a-holic for the purpose of pleasing others? Do you "take things to heart" in life, then don't let them go? Are you not able to be flexible or just don’t want to? or at the extreme, are you too flexible and cannot stand your own ground? This is your card!
People with this chakra blocked show the inability to love unconditionally, to forgive unconditionally, and to live with freedom of expression without hurting others in the process. They struggle to find a balance in life and often cannot achieve it.
If this chakra is left blocked it soon will affect the physical body. One might begin experiencing any level of heart issues, breathing issues, lung issues, diaphragm concerns, including bruising or breakage of the ribs, arms, shoulder and related bones and joints.
When the card is out of stock, it can be ordered.
For more information about the fourth chakra, its proper energy flow, how to hear its message before it becomes a problem, how to repair a dysfunctional chakra, and so much more, you might want to order my book: The Chakra Energy System. order here
Disclaimer: Using a Chakra Card does not take the place of professional medical care. IF you have a medical or psychological concern, please seek the advice of a licensed medical doctor.
Chakra Cards are for your entertainment purposes only and are not refundable, nor exchangeable.
PLEASE NOTE: An Embroidered card may have stitch deviations and may not always "be perfect". That is the beauty of hand created items and what makes them unique and valuable. Please allow for any deviations "from perfect" when ordering this or any embroidered card from this website.
Star Light Connection is "your connection" to embrace the Lightbody Ascension Process!
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