Step 4: Card 24 - Reiki Power Symbol Card
Select this card when you wish to send "power or energy" to someone special, or need a little reminder to have "power and energy" for yourself. This card emits a powerful positive vibration!
How to use this card:
When it is used as an "intention card" or as a "tool" to send energy to someone, and the desire for the positive outcome is written inside of the card, the power behind this symbol of healing will boost the positive energy vibrations and allow them to swirl around the intention you have written inside the card and aid in manifesting the outcome.
If you just want to keep the card and use it as a tool to send powerful positive energy, simply trace over the symbol with your right hand and allow the energy to build. Keep you intention pure and only use this tool for a favorable result. No negative energy sending please--that only bounces back to you! and, creates Karma for You too! Keep your intent clear and clean, focusing only on the positive vibrations and energy this symbol will send.
If you would like to energize your beverage, food, or anything else for that matter (for example), trace the symbol with your right hand, place the object on the symbol, (like a glass of water), and then trace the symbol over the glass of water. This energizes the water. If you held an intention while you drew the symbol, (for example: allow the water to detox my body), then the water will be charged with the energy to do so. The more you use this symbol, the better at energizing and sending energy you will become.
If you just want to place the symbol in a frame, or tape it on the refrigerator, or a mirror to see it every morning, that works too. You will be charging any area where the symbol is placed with positive energy. It works automatically!
The card looks great in a frame and is suitable to display in a home or work environment.
This card is "infused" with the living energy of this Reiki symbol of healing. It has been blessed from those spiritual beings who serve as The Great White Brotherhood of Light and Healing, and blessed by the Reiki Masters in Spirit.
The card can be ordered when it is out of stock, however, it is not returnable, refundable nor exchangeable.
Disclaimer: Using a Power Card does not take the place of professional medical care. IF you have a medical or psychological concern, please seek the advice of a licensed medical doctor.
Power Cards are for your entertainment purposes only and are not refundable, returnable, nor exchangeable.
PLEASE NOTE: An Embroidered card may have stitch deviations and may not always "be perfect". That is the beauty of hand created items and what makes them unique and valuable. Please allow for any deviations "from perfect" when ordering this or any embroidered card from this website.
Star Light Connection is "your connection" to embrace the Lightbody Ascension Process!
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