Healing Sessions

Healing Sessions   (select the down arrow for more info)

Some of these sessions being phased out.  Available upon request only!


Star Light Connection is "your connection" to Embrace The Lightbody Ascension Process!

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Step 2 Etheric Liquid Light

Step 2: Liquid Light Infusions.  Pick from 5 different infusions of light, each has their own specific pathway for your body.  Select the picture to expand the description below.  Thank You for choosing Star Light Connection!

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5D-12D Ascension Integrated Healing

If you are a Lightworker working on stabilizing your 5D frequency & vibration,  this is the only healing you should consider.  Latest lead-edge multi-dimensional integrated healing.  it is awesome.  and I've been blessed by "spirit" to share it with all of you.  Select picture to expand the description  below.  Thank  you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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Pre-Post surgical healing

Everyone experiences trauma to the physical body at one point in life or another. From a bruised leg to a necessary surgery or even a cancer treatment, a physical trauma requires medical as welll as energetic attention. The energy fields are compromised and require attention for a full healing.  Select picture to expand description below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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Integrated Healing Session

Integrated Healing Session is most likely the very best choice you could make for an all-encompassing healing session. In this session, you surrender your need to spirit who guides me to bring your body back to perfect harmony and balance.   available upon request only.

 for additional information see below

3rd eye tune up
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3rd eye tune-up

3rd Eye Tune up is needed when the 3rd eye matrix is saturated with mucus, wiring frays, breaks, or seed crystals are overloaded and ready to break. Don't suffer with physical issues from sinus, headaches, pressure, this session relieves these issues in minutes. Lost your ability to be clairvoyant? you need this session.  Select picture to expand definition below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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Arc of Covent

Arc of the Covenant is a surgical healing technique that re-wires the connection in the head hemispheres, and the conscious/unconscious mind together. Results are typically experienced immediately. Select picture to expand description below. Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!

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Step 2 Etheric Heart-Mind Connection

Step 2 Heart Mind Connection repairs a special wiring connection that is located in the matrix blueprint. This connection allows the mind- and the heart to communicate to work together as one cohesive unit.  Select the picture to expand the defination below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection.



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