5D - 12D Ascension Integrated Healing

5D-12D Ascension Healing  (select down arrow for more info)

Lightworkers also need healing assistance. 

The 5D-12D Ascension Healing Session reflect the latest leading-edge healing session transitioning Lightbody workers need to stabilize in a toxic world.  

Your body dictates the healing level that is best for you in the moment.

The session assists YOU to stabilize or continue your transition into a 5th Dimensional Frequency.

Quite often, download codes are provided for ascending awareness which opens a door of potential manifestation within the Quantum Field of infinite potential. 

These healing sessions are exclusive to Star Light Connection!  Enjoy!


 Star Light Connection is "your connection" to embrace the Lightbody Ascension Process!




 Disclaimer.  As always, all sessions offered on this site are for your entertainment purposes only.
  If you have a medical concern, or mental concerns, please consult an appropriate medical doctor or facility or call 911.  By accepting this session, you agree to hold harmless Star Light Connection or any individual associated with this website, information, or any sessions received from this website or from an associate of this website.  Sessions are not refundable nor exchangeable.