Third Eye Tune-Up

Third Eye Tune-Up (select the down arrow for more info)


There are 2 reasons for a 3rd eye tune-up

1. After a Crystal Removal or an Indigo Chakra Lock Removal, the third eye comes "on line" and that opens any gifts of "vision" or "clairvoyance" you may have.  Sometimes, that matrix needs to be updated as your frequency advances.

2.  As one uses their 3rd eye gifts, they attract toxic debris that clogs up the matrix and eventually can shut the 3rd eye down.  Getting a tune-up clears the eye up again.


Both 3rd eye tune-up conditions require a surgical adjustment  This is accomplished in just a few minutes.  It can be done "in person" or via a phone or internet connection.  


Star Light Connection is "your connection" to engage the Lightbody Ascension Process!

Disclaimer: All Healing Sessions offered on this website do not take the place of professional medical care. IF you have a medical or psychological concern, please seek the advice of a licensed medical doctor.

All Healing Sessions are for your entertainment purposes only and are not refundable


3rd eye tune up
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3rd eye tune-up

3rd Eye Tune up is needed when the 3rd eye matrix is saturated with mucus, wiring frays, breaks, or seed crystals are overloaded and ready to break. Don't suffer with physical issues from sinus, headaches, pressure, this session relieves these issues in minutes. Lost your ability to be clairvoyant? you need this session.  Select picture to expand definition below.  Thank you for choosing Star Light Connection!
