Your Precious Body for Humans

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 A 5th Dimensional Way to Achieve Wellness!
You have a “smart” body, which is capable of healing itself. 
Understanding how to correctly feed your body the “food” it requires
to heal itself is what a Bio-Energetic session is all about! 
Energy frequency is the language that is understood by your body. 
A Bio-Energetic session, directly “talks” to the frequency of the physical body
in the language it understands.
During a Bio-Energetic session, the organs, systems, and cellular structures of your physical body voice
their frequency conerns and needs which is translated in written form and indicaties
actionable items needed to meet, sustain, repair, or restore wellness and balance from within.
Health and Wellness are achieved when the physical body is balanced from within, (homeostasis).
A Bio-Energetic Session is non-invasive and takes approximately an hour.
A session can be scheduled: “in-person” or via “remote” ---   Either way is effective.
A special Bio-Energetic Session is also available for your pets and animals
People choose to have a Bio-Energetics session for 3 reasons.
  1. To achieve and maintain wellness.
  2. To aid healing from an injury or a surgical procedure.
  3. When “something” doesn’t feel quite right and you don’t know why, yet nothing you have tried has worked; and/or, professional or medical consulting and testing could not identify or resolve the issue.
There are 2 different Human sessions 
  1. The Body Analysis.  In this session, your innate body lists the organs and systems of your body that need immediate assistance (something is wrong) or are being weakened (and soon will need your attention)
  2. Energy Body Analysis – Emotional/Spiritual
    In this session, your body reveals to you what is blocking you from going forward in your life.   These are the issues that remain unresolved in your energy body that are unknown to you or you “thought” you cleared-- but really didn’t.  You have inner work to do, and this is the session that will show you what remains for you to do and the best method to resolve it.



Initial session: $200.00/hr.*
Multiple Recommended Therapies: priced individually*
To schedule an appointment for your Bio-Energetic Session please call, text, or email:
SarahAnn,  Bio-Energetics Consultant/Practitioner
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Qest Energy Body Analysis
Energy Body Analysis – Emotional/Spiritual

In this session, your body reveals to you what is blocking you from going forward in your life.   These are the issues that remain unresolved in your energy body that are unknown to you or you “thought” you cleared-- but really didn’t.  You have inner work to do, and this is the session that will show you what remains for you to do and the best method to resolve it.  CLICK or scroll down for add'l info.

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Q Physical Body Analysis
Physical Body Analysis:  In this session, your innate body lists the organs and systems of your body that need immediate assistance (something is wrong) or are being weakened (and soon will need your attention).  



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Your Precious Body for Humans
Price will vary depending on any additional testing you may desire.


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